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Barbie and the Sexual Revolution « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Barbie and the Sexual Revolution

August 30, 2017


FROM “Wilhelm Reich: The Dean of the Sexual Revolution,” (2005) by Marvin H. Clark, Jr., Esq:

The effects of Barbie are hard to over state. A Jewish businesswoman, Ruth Handler, who co-founded Mattel, Inc., spotted in Switzerland a naked little sex doll named “Bild Lilli.” The sex doll was being marketed as an amusement for men. “Bild Lilli” also was a cartoon character, known for her sleazy sexuality. Men would buy the little sex doll and present it to their “dates” when they wanted to suggest “something.” Like Reich, when he noticed children’s great interest in any sex subject, Ruth Handler noticed that children immediately went for the little doll with big breasts. She returned to America determined to sell it to our kids.

The little sex doll met with opposition at Mattell. It also was rejected by the toy industry. Worst of all, American parents objected. But this was the new age of television, and Ruth Handler knew that the product needed to be marketed to the real customers, children, not parents. Television was a powerful new medium that enabled her to usurp parental control and to present the product directly to children– whether the parents objected or not. So that was what Ruth Handler did. And she relied upon the kids to nag their weary parents into submission.

To help the kids along with the job of selling their parents, Ruth Handler hired a Viennese “psychologist” at the Institute of Motivational Research to help her overcome parental objections. Earnest Dichter was a specialist in planning how to get people to buy things that they really don’t want, and Ruth Handler paid him $12,000.00 in 1958 to help her sell this little sex doll to our kids. Dichter noticed that American moms wanted their daughters to catch good husbands, so he suggested the marketing line, “This doll will help your little girl get a guy; the doll is a learning tool to teach her how to catch a man.”

Then Ruth Handler went to Jack Ryan, who was married to Zsa Zsa Gabor. He was known for wild beach parties that featured lots of scantily clad pretty girls. Jack Ryan dressed up “Barbie” for her new job. The results were devastating.

One woman of “40-something” age, stated on a 20/20 documentary, “When I got Barbie it was like getting heroin.” Another said, “You want to be in that world (where Barbie lives) and do what she’s doing.” Yet another stated, “Barbie was my way of figuring out how I wanted my family to live.” Imagine selling our kids a sex doll that has that kind of affect on them.

Barbie’s mate, “Ken,” on the other hand, “was a palpable idiot,” who even got a big “bump” to represent his genitals. Ken became known for playing “giggly, naughty games” with Barbie. When Ken would move on to someone else, as new dolls came on line, there always seemed to be a new “idiot” friend to take his place with Barbie. Barbie became a “queen” with men merely transitory in her life. During the 1960’s, kids as young as three or four already were learning how to live in the Reichian nightmare of the 1980’s and 90’s. Every little girl was in effect being told, “You want to have legs like hers, so you can have all of her men friends.”

Barbie became the Reichian culture’s aspiration for the “perfect woman.” But as two generations of American girls were influenced by Barbie, many became “loose” adults without ever realizing that the doll had subliminally programed the minds of naive young girls whose parents did not comprehend the implications. Their parents were blindsided. This is because the naughty little German sex doll got a name change and fancy clothes. Everything else about “Bild Lilli” remained essentially unchanged in “Barbie.” And “Barbie” became the paradigm representing a “fusion of high glamour Hollywood with the onrushing age of the liberated woman.” Barbie was the perfect Reichian goddess. She represented the “sexually awakened woman, affirmed as such,” to put it in Reich’s own words.

Furthermore, Barbie became known as the “versatile” doll, in that she could become whatever the little girl fantasized her to be. She could be an airline stewardess, a doctor, a mechanic, as well as a beach beauty. Barbie had all of the different lifestyles that a little girl could imagine, with all of the most luxurious surroundings possible. Little girls soon came to fantasize themselves being everything that Barbie could be, and the very thought of not being like Barbie became unthinkable to many.

Sadly, Barbie never became known as a mother or faithful wife, who raised children and earned the right to be loved as a grandmother, during her entire half-century of life. Many of her early admirers also have shared in this fate. They aborted babies, divorced multiple husbands and they are growing old alone.

Interestingly, the very year after Reich died in a federal penitentiary , “Barbie” was born in a toy factory. Today, the average little girl in America has access to 10 “Barbie” dolls, while Mattell garners world-wide annual sales of $2 billion from her.

According to Reich,

“Sexually awakened women, affirmed and recognized as such, would mean the complete collapse of the authoritarian (Christian) ideology.”

Reich felt that the strict moral attitude of monogamy would loosen up when women would achieve economic independence. Once moralism would be overcome in an atmosphere where free sexuality is publicly affirmed by media and education, there no longer would be any inner argument against intercourse with extra partners. “The ideology of marriage collapses and with it the marriage.”

In order to help women achieve economic independence, and thus to achieve this “sexual awakening,” Reich proposed that divorce courts should force the jilted ex-husbands to pay “temporary” spousal support in addition to child support. Where this would not be forthcoming, there should be welfare to pay the way.

Obviously such a system completely negates the financial security of society’s male population. When divorce is granted on the whim of any woman asking for it, and the man is expected to bear the financial burden of it, the man can never be financially secure. No matter how hard a husband works to build financial security, he never knows when some black robed tyrant setting on a court bench will strip him naked and throw him penniless out onto the street. He becomes a piece of meat to be sliced and diced, and usually is left financially impotent. According to Reich, this is necessary.

“It was a matter of course that the revolutionary law intended the abolition of patriarchal power. Depriving the ruling class of power meant at the same time the elimination of the power of the father over members of the family, and the representative of the state within the family as the structure forming cell of the class society.”

American men obviously have been stripped of all patriarchal power, they’ve been labeled as mindless idiots, and have been left financially impotent – – unable to secure the future for their children.

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