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Charlottesville Agit-Prop « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Charlottesville Agit-Prop

August 13, 2017

MIKE KING writes at The Anti-New York Times:

Something smells extremely Gefilte-fishy about the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia and the alleged bizarre car-killing which took place there. Not only does the video of the clashes and the images of the aftermath present all the usual earmarks of a crisis-actor stunt, but the prominent presence at the previous night’s “torch rally” of one “Richard Spencer” of the “National Policy Institute” also gives us cause for great suspicion.
From the article:

“The planned rally was promoted as “Unite the Right” and both its organizers and critics said they expected it to be one of the largest gathering of white nationalists in recent times, attracting groups like the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis and movement leaders like David Duke and Richard Spencer.”

Who anointed Richard Spencer a “movement leader” on par with David Duke? Answer: The media! Dr. Duke paid his dues and made a serious run for the US Senate and later, the Governorship of Louisiana. But what has this Spencer character ever achieved? Why, over the course of the past year, has he, relative to other true conservative nationalists, been showered with such media publicity?


And there’s more too. Heck! Sugar and I, er, “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times would pay good money to get 1/100th the negative FREE publicity that Spencer gets. We didn’t get any mainstream media coverage when “The Bad War” was banned by Amazon, but this ass clown gets covered by the Washington Compost (CIA) for being banned from his gym?

Spencer, an effeminate-sounding atheist, does not tolerate “anti-gay” views at his events, and his pedigree seems more establishmentarian than rebel — having graduated from St. Mark’s elite prep school in Dallas, Texas before moving on to Duke University. His election night rallying cry of “Hail Trump” and occasional use of German terms stink of contrived imposterism. And a very strange unearthed old photo of him and his wife posing with Laura Bush really sets Sugar’s animal instincts off!


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