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Child Abuse and Orthodox Judaism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Child Abuse and Orthodox Judaism

August 1, 2017

WHAT HAPPENS in the Orthodox Jewish community when a family accuses someone of sexually molesting a child?

The victims are shunned, bullied and persecuted in many cases, as the community at large tries to prevent public airing of the crimes and criminal charges. See this unusually probing 2012 piece in The New York Times. From the article:

Abuse victims and their families have been expelled from religious schools and synagogues, shunned by fellow ultra-Orthodox Jews and targeted for harassment intended to destroy their businesses. Some victims’ families have been offered money, ostensibly to help pay for therapy for the victims, but also to stop pursuing charges, victims and victims’ advocates said.

“Try living for one day with all the pain I am living with,” Mr. Jungreis [father of a victim], spent and distraught, said recently outside his new apartment on Williamsburg’s outskirts. “Did anybody in the Hasidic community in these two years, in Borough Park, in Flatbush, ever come up and look my son in the eye and tell him a good word? Did anybody take the courage to show him mercy in the street?”

A few blocks away, Pearl Engelman, a 64-year-old great-grandmother, said her community had failed her too. In 2008, her son, Joel, told rabbinical authorities that he had been repeatedly groped as a child by a school official at the United Talmudical Academy in Williamsburg. The school briefly removed the official but denied the accusation. And when Joel turned 23, too old to file charges under the state’s statute of limitations, they returned the man to teaching.

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