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Fun « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


September 21, 2017

I’LL be having surgery tomorrow on my broken wrist. The radius bone was knocked out of place and will be put back with a neat metal plate. The surgeon said the procedure is one of his “favorite operations” and his young assistant said, “Yeah, it’s a whole lot of fun.” He wasn’t joking. I guess I’m glad there are people who get a kick out of this kind of thing.

 — Comments —

A reader writes:

You know ‘fun’ is the only important thing anymore…sigh.

Tim writes:

Fun? Fun for whom?

Dan R. writes:

Good luck on your surgery today. While I was surprised to read of the assistant’s use of the word “fun” to describe the procedure, I thought of what it might mean from the doctor’s perspective. Or think, on the other hand, if he had just said it’s a gruesome procedure! I see the comment as reflecting a view that it’s nasty break but with a novel solution that has a high success rate. “Fun” in that sense becomes a sloppy, but very contemporary way to describe the satisfaction that usually results for both doctor and patient. While it may not have been the best thing to say to a patient, I’d like to think the comment bodes well for you.

Laura writes:


That’s exactly what they meant. I was just poking fun at them. I was not offended. As they explained it, the procedure is satisfying — and yes, kind of fun — for them because it is so reliable and has such a high success rate. A doctor wants to solve problems, not create them.

The surgeon also said I was a good candidate for it. I didn’t scream or cry when they moved my broken arm around. “You’re very chilled,” he said.

I don’t know…. Maybe I should have screamed a bit?

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