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Party Hosting: Extreme Sport Edition « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Party Hosting: Extreme Sport Edition

September 18, 2017

LIFE has been overwhelming the last few days. So I haven’t blogged for good reason.

Our 28-year-old older son got engaged to be married on Saturday. We knew of his proposal — and probable acceptance — in advance and had planned a big party for about 60 guests. On Friday night, while we were running around preparing for the party, I got on a step stool to get some light bulbs stored high up on top of a cabinet. Something went wrong — not quite sure — and I flew off the stool and landed on the floor on my left wrist, which broke. After a couple of hours in the emergency room and no sleep due to pain, I returned to party preparations on Saturday, with help. Somehow it all came off. It was a happy event with eating, drinking, gabbing, singing to the piano and children running around in the dark playing hide-and-seek. Things would have been better if I had two hands to use and wasn’t feeling lousy, but many guests offered help and my sister washed a lot of dishes. We only wished my parents could have been there. They are both ailing and my mother is in the hospital.

We are very fond of our future daughter-in-law, who is beautiful, both inside and out; I think it was okay to have broken a limb on her behalf.

A word of advice: Do not get on stools or ladders when preparing for parties. The nurses in the emergency room said they see injuries like this all the time.

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