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The Best of Mothers « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Best of Mothers

October 12, 2017


I AM WRITING briefly today to ask readers to pray for my mother, Katharine Quinn, who is gravely ill and in intensive care in the hospital. Please pray for her comfort and her eternal happiness.

I will return to my post here shortly — in fighting form, as ever. Everything that happens — and I mean, everything — only motivates me more in this great struggle.

Thank you for your prayers for my dear mother.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

— Comments —

Tim writes:

So sorry to hear about your mother. This is never easy. I pray that she will die in the State of Grace.

Alan M. writes:

Our prayers are with you, your mother, and the family.

Jane S. writes:

Praying that our Lord Jesus Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, will restore your mother to health again. Praying that he will alleviate your worry with His gentle love. Praying that he will grant us all the grace to acknowledge His holy will and know that, whatsoever He does, He does for the love of us.

Johanna writes:

This is a difficult month for you, Laura. I am praying for you and your Mother and your wrist.

Mr. and Mrs F. write:

Your mother, you and your entire family are in our prayers as your  mother faces a major illness. We pray for your continued recovery from your wrist surgery and that God’s grace will pour down on your family as you care for your mother.

May God bless you all.

Kathlene M. writes:

I saw your sad message about your mother. My family and I are praying for her, and for you and your family. May God give her, you, and yours much strength, comfort and love during these difficult days.

Both my in-laws passed away in early 2017 so I understand the pain of loss. It was not unexpected but still difficult. I am glad we were there for them, and were able to give them love and comfort in their final days on this earth.

May God surround us with His love, mercy and comfort.

Priscilla writes:

Praying for your mother and you and your family. May God bless you and keep you in His love.

Laura writes:

Thank you to all for your kindness and prayers.

Stephen Ippolito writes:

Like every single one of your on-line friends I am so very sorry to read of your mum’s present ill health.

I join the others in assuring you of my prayers. The lady will surely pull through if the prayers of devoted friends means anything in heaven, as I think they do.

Unfortunately, as I know from experience, there really are no words that anyone can say that will take away much from the sorrow and anxiety that you and your family are feeling right now.

I wish there were some formula of words I could use to help you but there simply isn’t.

Although I have never had the pleasure to meet the lady, I know that your mother must be someone very special as only such a lady could produce  an exceptional woman as yourself.

I recall seeing a delightful photo once on your blog of two little girls asleep at the dinner table. I can’t recall if they were your sisters or you and a sister. I suspect it was your devoted mum who took the shot. I have never forgotten it as it was charming and suggests a very close and happy home – a gift to a parent that defines a life very well lived.

Here’s hoping that God and Our Lady are close beside you and your family right now – in the same way that you always are for your friends and family in their difficult times.

Laura writes:

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and your prayers.

I started this blog, for better or worse, because I wanted more children to have a childhood like the one I had. That desire took me, for better or worse, in many unexpected directions.

My twin sisters, who were confined to the kitchen by themselves while the rest of us ate dinner in the dining room:


My mother with five of her seven children (the twins were her last; I am the dark-haired girl on the left):


My mother has made modest improvements. She is still in critical condition, but we are hopeful she will continue to improve.

I sincerely thank you for your prayers for her.

Alan writes:

There is nothing I can say to you that other readers have not already said. All my sympathy to you, your mother, and your family. I went through this with my mother 17 years ago. It was bloody awful. Remember the Serenity Prayer.

Jane S. writes:

Thanks for the update. I lit a candle for her this morning.

Laura writes:

Thank you, and God bless you.

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