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The Best of Mothers « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Best of Mothers

October 20, 2017


My mother with the first of her seven children

MY MOTHER, Katharine Ann Curtin Quinn, who was born on August 8, 1930, died yesterday at 2:50 p.m. at Paoli Hospital in Paoli, Pennsylvania. She is survived by her loving husband of 64 years, William Paul; seven children, thirteen grandchildren, two sisters and two brothers. She died of heart failure after two weeks in the hospital, during which time her children, grandchildren and husband, who is 91, spent much time with her. We took turns staying by her bedside.

There is so much to say about my beautiful mother, who was a highly talented person, one of the first female computer programmers, a woman who left career early on to devote herself to family, but my heart is too filled with sadness, gratitude for my mother’s existence and prayers to elaborate now.

No one is more powerful than a mother. I could not believe anything else, given the influence of my own mother during my childhood. No one is more powerful than a mother because the human soul is immortal while things of this world — works of art, scientific advances, buildings and politics — are not lasting, and no one influences the soul’s development more than a mother. The love of a good parent is a reflection of the love of God. There is enough for everyone. There is no such thing as too many children. The heart expands to include each one as if it were the only one.

Please pray for her eternal rest.

My mother, who went by the name of Nancy, left each one of us with words of affection during her last weeks. She was often calm, lucid, and accepting of death despite pain (from four broken ribs and a broken pelvis) and difficulty breathing. Just before she went into the hospital, on her last two nights at home, I helped both of my parents to bed and stayed with them through the night. She had an undiagnosed broken pelvis. After I tucked in their blanket, she said to me, “You shouldn’t have to put your parents to bed.”

But we do. We have to put them to bed, as they once did us.

“May the angels lead thee into Paradise; may the martyrs receive thee at thy coming, and bring thee into the holy city, Jerusalem. May the choir of angels receive thee, and with Lazarus, who once was poor, mayest thou have eternal rest.”


— Comments —

S. from India writes:

Your mother sounds like such a delightful lady. May she rest in peace. My prayers and condolences with you and your family. God bless you always.

Jane S. writes:

 I just wanted to let you know that you and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers. These are the times that put everything into perspective.

Mrs. T. writes:

My condolences to you and yours. I will add your mother to my rosary intentions.

J. Hayes writes:

May the Sorrowful Mother be your strength and solace during this time of great loss. My prayers for your father, you, your family and the peaceful repose of your mother’s soul.

May Jesus, Mary and Joseph keep you.

Susan writes:

I was so sorry to hear of your mother’s death. You have my deepest sympathy in your great loss.

Thank you for posting the lovely photos of her and your family.

Tom B. writes:

Very sorry for your loss.

May peace attend you.

Tim writes:

My deepest sympathies. I will offer a rosary and Mass tomorrow for your mother.

Laura writes:

Thank you for the sympathy and prayers of all. I am deeply grateful.

Dan R. writes:

I offer my condolences upon the passing of your mother.  Your tribute to her was beautiful and touching.  R.I.P.

Heather S. writes:

I am sorry to hear of your mother’s death. My deepest condolences to you and yours. I have been, and will continue to pray for her.

Thank you for sharing her photographs. They are inspiring.

Johanna writes:

I am so sorry about your mother, especially that you and your siblings had to watch her suffer. I was with my mother when she passed away and I know how upsetting it is.

I have added your mother to my prayer list.

May God bless you all.

Laura writes:

Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness.

A more recent photo of my mother:

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