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Too Smart to Marry « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Too Smart to Marry

October 16, 2017

JANE S. writes:

For the most part, I agree with the items on Mike King’s list. One could add to them. But his argument still falls short.

Where the brainy liberal chatterboxes show their true stupidity is in the way they lead their personal lives.

Example: I know a bright, well-educated young attorney in India. A die-hard feminist who sincerely believes that marriage is a conspiracy cooked up by the patriarchy to oppress women. She has parlayed this belief into a make-believe career: writing for women’s magazines, publishing short stories, giving speeches.

The only thing that makes it possible for her to support herself doing this is that she is 27 years old and still lives at home. Her parents have started nagging her to get married and move out, which she really resents. Even though she has a nice young fellow with a good job, who is kind and attentive, who loves her and is interested in marriage.

She sincerely believes that people should get over their antiquated beliefs, such as the expectation that a woman should get married.

What difference does it make what people think? What difference does it make? Her parents could decide that she should be able to postpone marriage as long as she wants. She could go out every day and the streets are lined with people shouting, “Don’t let anyone pressure you into getting married!”

Given the age difference between her and her parents, the likelihood is that she will outlive them. Which means that, at some point, she is going to be faced with the necessity of supporting herself. Which means that she will have to take whatever job she can get, just to keep a roof over her head. She will find out how much money it takes just to live. How little of your paycheck is left over, once you’ve paid for the necessaries.

Maintaining a reasonable standard of living will be much, much easier if she has a partner who is dedicated to contributing to her support and well-being as part of a lifetime arrangement. The most likely candidate for that position is a spouse.

Like a lot of young women, she is deluded if she thinks that a career is a fair substitute for marriage. Men can be difficult, this we know. But a husband will at least try to stay on your good side, if he wants peace in the home and dinner on time.

An employer—no way. Your boss will kick you to the curb the minute you become burdensome. They’ll clear out your cubicle and by tomorrow you’ll be forgotten as if you never existed.

She will be even more surprised when she learns that, the biggest threat in the workforce is not the crabby chauvinist male boss who wants you to make his coffee. It’s the younger women who are about to take your place.

People do not often take note of the fact that feminism is pitched to younger women, who lap it up because it plays to their narcissism.

I asked my friend if she knew any solitary 60-year-old women she would like to trade places with. She didn’t have an answer. They never do.

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