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Modesty Is Not Necessarily Ugly « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Modesty Is Not Necessarily Ugly

December 28, 2017


OKAY, so you won’t find a truly beautiful and modest dress on the cover of Vogue. 

But you can find literally thousands of examples in the great paintings. Here is just one: “The Flower Girl” by the Peruvian artist Albert Lynch.

— Comments —

Sage M. writes:

All the most beautiful dresses in my girls’ wardrobe are also their most modest.  Indeed it is in part from their modesty that their beauty comes.  Sophia is particularly excited to get new dresses at Christmastide–this one is from Christmas Day.

There’s no comparison between something like this and the garish, written-on, undignified and revealing articles she tends to get as gifts from others.  And there’s no question of which makes her more authentically and happily herself.

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