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The Vatican’s Twisted Nativity Scene « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Vatican’s Twisted Nativity Scene

December 21, 2017


MODERNISM — that “synthesis of all heresies” — embraces ugliness. It insists upon ugliness. It cannot produce anything but ugliness. See the extensive commentary at Novus Ordo Watch on the nativity scene at St. Peter’s Square as a prime example of the in-your-face ugliness of religious modernism:

All in all, we may say that this “Nativity” display looks more like a scene from hell, and that is no accident. Always keep that in mind: This is all deliberate. Things like this do not just happen; they require official approval and are planned long in advance, and every detail is thought through and prepared carefully. The Vatican authorities could have made this Nativity scene as beautiful as the world knows how, and yet this is what they chose to present. Think about that.

The conclusion is inescapable: The ugliness, the repulsiveness, the twistedness of it all, is by design. These wicked Vatican Modernists are simply seeking as much as possible to distract from the Birth of Christ and render it repulsive to people, especially to children. Would you let your sweet little ones look at, much less approach, this travesty of a Nativity scene? What child would not be frightened and disturbed? As their impressionable little minds and vulnerable, tender souls draw near to the Christ Child to love, thank, and adore Him, they’re being repelled by all these grim-looking, frightening characters, not excluding nudity — and the poor children will associate this with Christmas going forward. One shudders to imagine what the Baby Jesus will look like once He is unveiled. [cont.]

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