Crisis Actor David Hogg
February 20, 2018

SOME MAY CALL last week’s fake massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida just atrocity propaganda aimed at dispossessing Americans of their guns. But I call it community theater and a needed platform for drama talent.
The 17-year-old student David Hogg has been all over the news since the bloodless massacre. Hogg is a handsome senior and as head of the school’s news television station is apparently no stranger to premeditated manipulation. (His father is a retired FBI agent. His mother, Rebecca Boldrick, reportedly has high level connections at CNN.) In his debut on the national stage, Hogg mostly executed highly polished performances on news programs, reciting the prepared script cleanly, including political talking points on gun control. Here he is at his best, calm and collected after carnage unimaginable to most of us, his hair perfectly coiffed:
Sheltered teens who had seen real, gruesome murder would probably, if they were honest about their fears, plead with lawmakers to put armed parents at their classroom doors, and give a few guns to the teachers and students as well, rather than call for disarmament, but that common sense does not stop Hogg from a strong defense of the gun control agenda. After watching several of his interviews, I thought, “Wow, this is talent. This could be a future Anderson Cooper.” I liked the way he referred to supposedly murdered classmates as “unfortunate individuals.” That showed the sort of soulless compassion news actors have at their best.
Unfortunately, I cannot give Hogg four stars. Here he flubs his lines, and has to be coached by his handler.
[This video continues to be scrubbed by Youtube. Find it here.]
One flub, okay. A whole series of flubs — no. The definite possibility exists, Internet censorship being what it is, that this Youtube video of Hogg being coached will disappear, restoring his portfolio. [Update: Youtube has been removing all copies of this video, including the first one I posted. This is proof of video company’s complicity in this hoax.] But we have seen it, and we are reviewing his performance. Does Hogg truly have what it takes? Does he have the crippled conscience of talented television journalists who whiz through prepared lies and omissions without faltering? Could he, for instance, openly, without batting an eye or tripping on his words, defy common sense and say that two fortress-like skyscrapers had collapsed in the manner of a controlled demolition because of burning jet fuel? To be honest, I don’t think so. I think he is a nice boy caught up in something he cannot even begin to understand.
It’s back to the high school news channel for you, Mr. Hogg. You’re not ready for a career at CNN.
Correction: David Hogg had his national debut last August.
Additional comment:
A special place in hell awaits adults who use impressionable and ambitious young people to spread lies.
— Comments —
Terry Morris writes:
I agree with David Hogg. No, really!
He is right to call the politicians out for lying to the American people. He is also right to call adults out for not doing something to stop this insanity. He is right to insist that something must be done before more innocent children die.
I agree with all of the above. That is why I’m calling on adults all over the United States to remove their children from the killing fields that are America’s public schools immediately. I’m also calling for the Congress to begin procedures for disbanding and dissolving the American public education system entirely and without further delay.
I believe in education, but for God’s sake, how can we continue to keep institutions in place that are in direct opposition to saving kids’ lives?
Mr. Morris adds:
I should probably also add that my view on public education is as it’s been for 30 years or more, and have stated dozens, if not scores or even hundreds of times. And that is, first and foremost, to get the federal government out of it, and turn control back over to the state and local authorities. If that were to happen (I don’t see it happening anytime in the near future, but anyway), I believe the public schools would *eventually* (not immediately) right themselves by re-instituting common sense policies and disciplinary procedures.
Someone asked why this never happens in private schools. One very obvious reason lots of stuff that happens in publics doesn’t in privates is because they’re independent and therefore discriminate. They preemptively cull the riff-raff, in other words. Most private schools in the U.S. are, let’s face it, run by Protestants of various denominations. Personally I don’t see a whole heck of a lot of difference between the average public school and the average private school in their philosophy or methodology. The only major difference I see between the two is, as I said, one discriminates and the other doesn’t because it can’t.
As far as why we homeschool, I will just put it the way I have always explained it to my kids – ‘we do in hopes that by our consciously not filling your heads with nonsense, you’ll be better equipped to think than we are, and will take it to its next level with your children.’
I freely admit I’m pretty dumb when you boil it all down. :-)
Mojo writes:
I can’t believe you would write something like this. You are insensitive and ignorant. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Laura writes:
I can’t believe you would read something like this.
Laura adds:
A reader sends this video by American Everyman about Kevin Hogg, David’s father. Kevin Hogg is allegedly connected to the CIA and a company that, among other things, trains in “unconventional warfare,” including “psychological warfare” and “terrorism.” “It is the height of hypocrisy for this kid to be leading the charge at this time. His bread and butter comes from the defense industry — and it’s not defense. There are a lot of kids killed every year — in other countries.”
Aservant writes:
I found this comment under the video from AmericanEveryman that you linked to. I thought you would find it pretty interesting if you haven’t seen it already.
Cubic corporation president Brad Feldman met w Ukraine Ambassador to USA Chaly in 2017 to establish “combat centers” in Ukraine …of course they are spec op trainers. Chaly has been critical of Trump! Chaly likes Clinton!
This is the same type of psychological warfare they did at Parkland! Fear!
Can you draw a line from Ukraine to Clinton to Victoria Nuland (Zionist neocon) to Chaly to Cubic (Feldman) to…
FEB 22, 2018
Kyle writes:
Here’s the video of an interview Hogg did with a fellow student, Alex View, during the shooting. At the :58 second mark he clearly states the time of the interview: 9:32. How could that be when the shooting didn’t occur until 2:21 pm by the Sheriff’s statement? Official timeline of shooting shows 2:21 to 2:27 pm.
David doesn’t say 9:32 AM, but they wouldn’t have been in the school at 9:32 PM that day, would they?