Are the Carbocci Sisters Faking?
February 19, 2018
YOU HAVE to hand it to those involved in the staged shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Applause, please. Their performances have been top notch. These two sisters — the sisters Carbocci — do a fine job in this CNN interview on Friday, aided especially in the case of the teary-eyed Hannah by her thick, watery-lensed glasses, which make her tears all the more realistic. Hannah and Kaitlin recount the dramatic tale of how they exchanged 77 text messages during the eight-minute shooting. As Hannah lay under the teacher’s desk, she sent dozens of remarkably legible and coherent texts, mostly sentimental messages to her family. She wasn’t tense and alert to what was happening around her, as a normal person who might be shot any minute would be, she was sending messages to her sister.
Even though Hannah allegedly just survived a grisly scene in which her classmates’ brains or innards would have been splattered on walls and floors, she is able to calmly recite her script on national television. A normal person would have been rolled up in a ball weeping at home.
Notice how the texts which Alisyn Camerota shows on the screen are missing time stamps. Notice too that Hannah says there was no cell phone service — and yet she was able to text her sister.
Aside from these anomalies, the story does not add up.
One of the tip-offs is Hannah’s contention that the classmates who were shot were standing along the outer walls of the classroom– fully facing the shooter out in the hallway. They allegedly did this even though in the preceding weeks, they had participated in “many drills” for just this situation. In these drills, they would have been told to stay low to the ground, as all students traumatized by unnecessary shooting drills are told. Hannah herself had time to run to her teacher’s desk and hide under it. But these students went and stood up against the windows, rather than crouch under desks, as all normal persons and anyone who had participated in a drill would have done. Anyone with the slightest common sense and exposure to the violence that is routinely in movies and on television also knows that the first thing you do when a shooter is afoot is to crouch down and stay low. No, these students stood up against the wall, as if inviting execution.
Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old shooter capable in a mere eight minutes of the sort of marksmanship that eludes military snipers, shot Hannah’s classmates through walls (that’s right, the bullets cleanly penetrated the walls, we are told, and did not ricochet — which was go0d because a ricocheting bullet might have injured Cruz, making it harder for him to get a Coke calmly afterward at Walmart) and the window of the door. CNN’s Camerota, who like many television reporters is merely an actress, interestingly skirts the issue of why Hannah’s classmates were not saved from their wounds in a hospital and what it was like for Hannah to walk through all that carnage. She is not interested in that subject but she is interested in the emotional scene when the girls see each other again after the shooting. Staged “survivor” interviews focus heavily on the emotional theme of how much love is exchanged between survivors and their family members. The shootings are all about love, love, love. If they can make you weep, they can make you believe. If they can make you weep, they have you. The producers of these slick events believe that most Americans are dumb, gullible, and easily manipulated. They are in that conviction correct.

The brutal killer capable of deadly accuracy through cinder block walls — followed by a Coke at the local Walmart
Notice also that even though Hannah has an Italian name, she is wearing a Star of David. (Possible, of course, but unusual.)
Why would these sisters possibly participate in lies? Three reasons: 1) Money, money, money — enough to pay off their family’s mortgage, and 2) They have been told that live drills are necessary to prevent real shootings, to alert the public that such things can happen and thus save lives in the future by implementing gun control, and 3) Their religious beliefs. (In the Talmud, Babha Kama (113b) it says: “It is permitted to deceive a Goi.”)
Given that virtually everyone in that Parkland school would have had a cell phone, why is there no clear video footage of Cruz walking through the hallway, of him shooting, of dead bodies, of the sort of extreme carnage he would have left behind? There is none because it didn’t happen. We know, in contrast, that the Columbine shooting in Colorado — committed by a Jewish student intent on revenge against Christians for the “Holocaust” — was real precisely because of the camera evidence. I will not show you that evidence because it is so disturbing but you can easily find it. When you google “dead bodies at Marjory Stoneman high school” you will get a slew of images of actors crying. The tears often come with a smile just below the surface:
Or, in some cases, open smiles (burying it in a shoulder helps):
Students at the school were told in advance that not only was there going to be a drill that day but that police were going to be “firing blanks.”
Since when does the Army put wounded people “under mats” rather than getting them to hospitals immediately? Since fake shootings started in America.