The Priest and the Porn Star
February 9, 2018

THIS anecdote appeared this week in the Catholic Tradition Newsletter and is reprinted with the kind permission of its author, the Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier:
ON a flight from Las Vegas to Los Angeles this past week there was a woman who asked if she could take the seat next to me. Being on a plane and without observing who it was in particular, I replied out of courtesy that it was fine. After she had settled in she made it known that she was a porn star and comic stand-up and wanted to use the opportunity to sit next to a priest to get material for one of her next gigs. Being that now I had little choice but to be patient—she didn’t seem to be immodestly attired besides pants—I went on with my work and prayers. This woman soon began to extol her work in the sex industry and her rise in the stand-up comedy stage with a male neighbor and, further, how she wanted to make her lifestyle as acceptable in society as the LGBT had made theirs. She explained that when she was a teenager she left her mother because her mother was too strict and religious. She went to live with her father, a Freemason she said, who always approved of whatever she wanted to do. She also expressed she was disappointed that her mother still refused to approve of her lifestyle and even now would refuse to accept whatever she sent because it was gotten as a result of her immoral trade.
She then began a tirade against large families because they supposedly all needed to receive welfare (because in her mind the mother does not work—and apparently this woman claimed she had to pay for people having children). Keep in mind that she knew she was sitting next to a Catholic priest. Next, she began to rant against home schooling children because (in her mind) children who were home-schooled were deprived of the (evil) experiences of the world, making them narrow-minded. She then asserted that home-schooled children were taught about Jesus as though this was the worst thing to be taught about. I interrupted my prayers (I was trying to say my Office) and made a comment that she should not generalize; and I then told her that she could not claim all families receive welfare. She immediately retorted that the Church charges people just for telling them stories. My answer was that she was also getting money for what she did, one of which—as she stated—was telling stories. She then replied that the conversation should end here—obviously unable to respond. I said, fine. But, of course it did not because she went on to say to me that I just talk to imaginary people and she talked to real people. I replied that she does not have true love for everyone as she claims to have if she hates those who disagree with her. She mocked me again, telling me that I should just go back to talking with my imaginary friends. Knowing I would be landing in California, a state known to be the most intolerant of truth and a great defender of immorality in the United States of America, and understanding she could simply accuse me of harassment (even though she was actually the one who was harassing—and deliberately chose to sit next to me to do so) since she was a woman (though immoral) and I am a priest (one of those “deplorables” Clinton speaks of), I chose to just ignore her continued rantings for the remaining few minutes of the flight.
Why do I insert this episode? Because it makes clear that these pharisaical perverts believe they can say what they want and are convinced at the same time that when they are told the truth the person telling them has no right to do so. It also means that hearing the truth becomes harder for our young people because the truth is silenced by unjust laws while error is promoted. It reminds one of the scene where Christ is condemned to death:
The chief priests and ancients persuaded the people, that they should ask for Barabbas, and take Jesus away. And the governor answering, said to them: Whether will you of the two to be released unto you? But they said, Barabbas. Pilate saith to them: What shall I do then with Jesus that is called Christ? They say all: Let him be crucified. The governor said to them: Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying: Let him be crucified. And Pilate seeing that he prevailed nothing, but that rather a tumult was made; taking water washed his hands before the people, saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just man; look you to it. And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children. Then he released to them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him unto them to be crucified. (Matt. 27: 20-26)
I do not know what this woman looks like, nor do I know her name; but if perchance you hear of a show where a porn star stand-up comedian speaks of sitting next to a priest, you know the real story. In the meantime, please say a prayer for her to come to the knowledge of the Truth—right now she is doing so much evil.