The Struggle Session
February 22, 2018

KYLE writes:
CNN hosted a “Town Hall” meeting on February 21, 2018 in Sunland, Florida where Stoneman Douglas High School students, Republican Florida senator Marco Rubio and NRA Spokesperson, Dana Loesch verbally sparred over gun control and who is to blame for the Parkland shooting. Thousands of people surrounded the stage and shouted down Rubio and Loesch every time they defended the conservative viewpoint on the Second Amendment. This event is consistent with similar displays on the modern college campus, where swaths of far-leftist young adults surround a lone person and shame him publicly for his traditionalist stance, one that’s out of sync with the social Marxist orthodoxy of the times. In Maoist China, this was known as a struggle session and they’re going to continue the more divided our culture becomes.
According to Wikipedia, the definition for a struggle session is the following:
In general, the victim of a struggle session was forced to admit to various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until he or she confessed. Struggle sessions were often held at the workplace of the accused, but were sometimes conducted in sports stadiums where large crowds would gather if the target was famous enough.
Lipman, Jonathan Neaman; Harrell, Stevan (1990). Violence in China: Essays in Culture and Counterculture. SUNY Press. pp. 154–157.
The struggle session has seen a resurgence in the West in recent years, as society has become increasingly divided on issues regarding abortion, same-sex “marriage,” transgenderism, gun control and immigration. In Canada, Professor Jordan Peterson gained international attention for his refusal to refer to transgendered students by their chosen gender pronouns. Peterson has taken fire from the leftist media in Canada for referring to classes that promote these ideas at the University of Toronto, where he teaches, as “indoctrination cults”. In a popular video, Peterson stands alone in a crowd of students who take turns chipping away at him verbally because of his defiance to obey state hate speech laws. He becomes overwhelmed by them towards the end.
The CNN Town Hall forum featuring students and parents from the Parkland, Florida area had a similar vibe to it. The stage is the center of the arena and surrounded by onlookers on all sides. CNN anchor, Jake Tapper, separates a cluster of students from conservatives who are on the receiving end of passive aggressive sentiments that attempt to make the NRA and its four million members complicit in the murder of teenagers. In one segment, Rubio stands toe to toe with a student who begins to ask him the loaded question of whether or not he’ll quit taking funding from the NRA–the point being to tie the senator and the oldest civil rights organization in America to the trigger that killed the students. Rubio is made to feel guilty for something he didn’t do; predictably, the crowd booed and hissed him during his responses.
In one scene, Dana Loesch takes on gun control activist Emma Gonzalez, who like David Hogg, hasn’t missed an opportunity to be on camera since February 14. Loesch listens to the questions of students and teachers of the school, whose voices are choked with anger, you can feel the hatred brimming in their facial and verbal expressions. If they could, they’d grab a handful of Loesch’s hair and pull her around the stage. They pass the microphone to Diane Wolk Rogers, teacher of AP History at Stoneman Douglas.
Rogers asks Loesch what her definition of a “well regulated militia” is and if an 18-year old boy with a semi-automatic rifle falls into that category. To her credit, Loesch is composed and articulate in her historically accurate response. As an AP history teacher, Rogers should know the enlistment age for the Continental Army was 16. The fact that teenagers during the Revolution could handle firearm (and general life) responsibility better than teenagers today, with all of their child protective institutions and helicopter parenting, says more about our soft times than it does those of the late 1790’s (see Tide Pod consumption).
Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel, member of Hillary Clinton’s Florida Leadership Team during the 2016 election, was seated next to Loesch. The two bantered about bump stocks and mental illness when Loesch trips him up on the 39 times Cruz had been reported as a problem. Again, in struggle session fashion, the blame was deflected back to the NRA and conservatives–the FBI could never be at fault for anything like this. The crowd wails and cheers to the chagrin of Loesch. Notice the question at the bottom of the screen asks “Do you believe it should be harder to obtain semi-automatic and fully automatic weapons?”
This is a typical CNN lie. President Ronald Reagan signed the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986, making the sale of fully automatic rifles illegal. You can still own one if you lay down big money and have a pristine record, but facts don’t matter to CNN, who have an agenda to promote.
In an article posted to RealClearPolitics, Loesch describes the atmosphere as she left the stage at the town hall:
“I had to have a security detail to get out,” she said of the Sunland, Fla. event. “I wouldn’t be able to exit that if I didn’t have a private security detail. There were people rushing the stage and screaming burn her. And I came there to talk solutions and I still am going to continue that conversation on solutions as the NRA has been doing since before I was alive.”
In the article, Loesch points out that the same left-wing that calls Trump a tyrant is also calling for him to disarm the population. The irony of this can’t be overlooked, or explained rationally. What the crowds of these struggle session events are revealing is their own tyrannical tendencies to have absolute power. It’s one thing to have an open forum discussion to resolve cultural concerns, but it’s an entirely different issue to have the media and activists dog pile the few traditional conservative institutions remaining in the Western hemisphere. People who are against borders and believe all 7 billion people on the planet are just as American as those born here aren’t going to listen to your argument in defense of the Second Amendment, no matter how polite or educated you are. They’ve been telling us for decades they hate the Founding Fathers, the Bill of Rights and our national heritage, it’s time we listen.