Advertisers Push Interracial Couples
March 27, 2018

R. HOUCK at Countercurrents looks at the push for interracial couples by major advertisers. You see these ads everywhere. (WARNING: Immodest ads.) A political agenda, not simply a response to cultural change, is at work here. Houck calls it “anti-white,” but it is anti-black and anti-Asian too. Just ask ordinary black women who can’t easily find a husband, or Asian men who see more Asian women marry whites, how they feel about it. Houck’s right though: the goal is to weaken traditional American culture. The result is not good for white women as interracial relationships rise in number:
A 2015 study examined the outcomes of women that have children with black men, the results were staggering. Currently, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, however when the mother is white and the father black, the rate jumps to 97%. 98% of white mothers studied reported the father does not support their children financially, 97% report the father is not in the child’s life, and 97% of the women have used welfare to help support themselves and their children. Only 10% of women that have children with black men out of wedlock end up marrying. The vast majority of white women that have children with black men live far below the poverty line.
As Houck notes, the advertising industry is largely in Jewish hands. This is widely acknowledged by Jews themselves. According to a prominent Jewish source:
In few modern industries have Jews had greater influence than in advertising, and this applies particularly in America. It has even been suggested that Jewish advertising men are responsible for the wide scope and shape of the modern advertising agency.
The promotion of interracial couplings is part of the Jewish war against the natural social order and organic society, in favor of an easily manipulated, globalist mass society. Interracial advertising is part of a longstanding psychological war.
— Comments —
Paul writes:
Your title is one reason I intend to buy a DVR system. I hate most television and almost all commercials, especially the phony celebration of interracial couples and of feminism. I recall you pointing out years ago how modern commercials are all about women. Once my eyes were opened I see it all the time. The recent celebrations of interracial couples have opened my eyes. Both of these celebrations are phony because their main purpose is to sell us stuff we don’t need.
I suspect the modern liberal producers and advertisers do agree with what they are pretending to celebrate even though they personally want nothing to do with respect for females or with an interracial partner. We know about the phoniness of Hollywood people. The Hollywood casting couch has had a long, infamous history here and here, two of many examples. The modern liberal Media kept it quiet.
Beverly writes:
“STOP RIGHT NOW” is what I would say to any woman even ‘thinking’ about it. Although there are some [interracial marriages] that turn out okay, I’d have to say MOST don’t go anywhere but physical and emotional abuse.
I can talk any way I like because I had one of these deadly relationships back in 1975 with a black entertainer. I fell in love, but his only intentions were to use white women as best he could. He actually sat on my parents’ livingroom sofa and told them he was marrying me, since I was engaged at that time and had cancelled my wedding. Turns out he was already married.
I endured extreme physical abuse every time I tried to leave him. At four months pregnant he threw me against a wall. I knew I had to get out or he’d kill my baby. I had a total stranger help me with bus fare.
He didn’t give up though, he stalked me even though he lived out of state from me.
I have many friends with mixed kids who left with no child support with their black man. I have very strong feelings on this subject matter obviously, and sadly today is a hundred times more dangerous than it was in 1975, they’ve become more enraged, more entitled, more violent.
I can find you 10 more stories like this one.
Don’t try to save these people. They cannot be saved. They were raised on no values, no morals and no respect. I call them feral savages, the children who have no parenting, just roam the streets like animals.
If you really want to know where they come from, watch the movie Precious. It will blow your mind.
Laura writes:
Here’s a black writer who says sexual liberation has unleashed demonic forces among blacks. It fits with the behavior you describe.
A male reader writes:
With interracial relationships, the children are more genetically distant to each parent, than they would be in same race relationships. So it is to be expected that black men are much more likely to abandon the white women they have children with. They are genetically less invested than they would be vs. having children with a black women. White women know in advance they are more likely to become single moms. But it’s not a major deterrent to them as attraction to a potential mate always trumps logic.
The main purpose of black man/white woman advertising is to emasculate white men and destroy white families. They know most white men are repulsed at the site of this. But by showing it often enough they want them to get used to it (not oppose it). People generally only date outside their race when they believe the opposite sex of their own race are not up to standard. It’s very obvious the standard of white men on average has fallen off a cliff due to poisoning/brainwashing.
White women will continue wanting to date other races until white men improve dramatically. White men will continue dating Asian women whilst they perceive them as more feminine/ better marriage material. Everyones preference would be for their own race if all factors were equal.
Laura writes:
The main purpose of black man/white woman advertising is to emasculate white men and destroy white families.
Absolutely true.
By the way, as I have said before, interracial marriage is not sinful or intrinsically immoral. It is often imprudent, just as it can be imprudent to marry into a different class. It may cause a clash of cultures, but with interracial marriages it’s even more serious. The races have their own temperamental styles and people of different races may have a harder time understanding each other and picking up certain cues. For instance, white men who marry into Asian families can be surprised when they realize they don’t just get a feminine wife but whole extended Asian families that are very different from their own background.
Also with interracial relationships actually pushed and marketed to the masses, they cause imbalances and resentment. As I said, ask black women how they feel about it. Some of the things they say among each other about white women who take black men are not printable here. It’s not progress to them. Again, that doesn’t mean that people in interracial marriages are necessarily bad people who have done something sinful or that all their children are going to be troubled because of it.
Beverly writes:
The black writer you referenced has nothing on the Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, whom I have followed for a very long time now. He has his finger on the pulse of black problems, all of them mainly stemming from their moral poverty, values, etc….. This one famous article enraged blacks that did not want to admit what their problems are, but to white people, it’s all TRUE.
Blacks problems are exactly what he says they are, mainly lack of the fathers, who leave, 70% of them leave the family. He’s written many books on the subject. Here are more of his quotes on what’s wrong with blacks…
But let me also say this. There has been a huge rise in black-on-white violence since Obama divided the nation and pushed blacks further into believing whites are the demons. A man who has accomplished literally nothing in his pathetic life but drugs and perversions, he never gave blacks anything to HOPE for but continuing crime and violence. Obama’s problems all stem from his pathetic mother who abandoned him as a child to abusive black men who in turn ABUSED him. He’s a messed up human being in need of psychological care. I have personally seen this in my own family. Having had forty years of extended black family I have seen the horrible, horrible psychosis from my son’s half brother, who’s mother also abandoned him young and an uncle abused him. In and out of jail all his life he simply cannot be helped by anyone without a PhD. I tried. I had to let it go.
The male reader above writes:
I agree with what you are saying here about interracial relationships and their effects.
But I have been wondering recently if demons could play a role in some interracial relationships. I have read that demons can influence sexual desire – wondering if they could be influencing some to desire other races.
Not suggesting all people in interracial relationships are bad or evil obviously.
Also I think white men should put a stop to these black man/white women ads. But sadly most don’t even realise there is a problem.