False Flags and Intellectual Pride
March 8, 2018
A COMMENT by Jude Duffy posted at Henry Makow:
A few years ago a prominent Catholic traditionalist wrote an article stating that the Catholic “traditionalist movement” should, in the future, exclude from its ranks anyone who espoused “wacky conspiracy theories” about 9/11 and other terror “events”. In this guy’s eyes, embarrassing “duh movement” by doubting the MSM version of reality had become tantamount to heresy. I mention this only because the writer concerned, would doubtless claim to be deeply skeptical of the corporate MSM – as would all the white nationalists, pro-Palestinian activists, anti-globalists, etc., who also ignore the glaringly obvious anomalies in most official accounts of terror events and “mass shootings”.
Whatever excuse there may once have been for this willful blindness, it completely disappeared in recent years: the role of Israel, the Saudis and the western powers in sponsoring Isis and Al Qaeda in the Muslim world is now a matter of public record. It follows that there’s nothing remotely far-fetched about believing that these powers might also stage false flags in the west under the flag of Isis. Yet a vulgar intellectual snobbery (which is just another term for spiritual pride) and a short-sighted worldly concern for the public standing of their own “movements” precludes many self-proclaimed anti-globalists from admitting the truth about false flag terror – even to themselves.