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Innocence Lost « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Innocence Lost

March 8, 2018

PARENTS, build a moat around your children to protect them from this freakish culture.


— Comments —

Stephen Ippolito writes:

Wow. What a jolt, Laura. I won’t be needing my morning espresso to wake me up today. Thanks to you, I’m right now fully “woke”, but in a good way.

In the future, should any Traditionalist ever fall into the trap of wondering if we might perhaps be getting just a bit paranoid, (or at the least a little cynical), in perceiving an intense liberal bias invading and driving the culture – or waiver a tad in their suspicion that our cultural elites are really pushing an ugly, hard left agenda-  let them just look at this gruesome, confronting image that says so much so vividly about just who we are now in the west and  just how very far we have fallen.

There is so much in that picture that sums up our present predicament as a society, no? There’s a sad, mentally-ill man whose been encouraged to embrace his disorder as a positive and  who on that basis goes untreated, freely indulging his narcissism by calling attention to himself through what he’s no doubt been told is the “brave, empowered” step of donning an electric blue wig and a short dress; there’s the smug,  virtue-signalling “liberal”parents, ostensibly the sad man’s audience but really no such thing since they are only there to display to each-other what they wrongly think to be their superior enlightenment and general “wokeness” indulging themselves wholly at the expense of the innocents shown in the picture: the little ones whose health and happiness ought to be their first priority but who are really just stage-props for the real show: the vulgar indulgence and display by narcissistic elders who crave attention.

How could anyone, let alone parents, look at this little girl’s face and think this was cute? She looks thoroughly confused and scared and I don’t blame her. I well recall, even now, at a distance of 5 decades, being that girl’s present age and listening to nursery rhymes being read to us at school by Sister Mary Leonore. We little ones were in awe of her and instinctively felt, even if we couldn’t name, the emotions she conjured in us: respect; authority, protectiveness and wisdom; Sister and our other teachers were many things to the little ones in their care: – but never a freak show.

How can anyone ever again doubt that there really is a civilisational war of ideas going on in the west and that our side is losing? In fact, except for a few brave public intellectuals like yourself, Laura, no-one on our side is even really fighting back by calling out this nonsense for what it is: decadent, toxic pathology.

No wonder that more and more of we average people are responding to the cultural marxism being pushed by the left by retreating as much as possible from engagement with the public sphere and into monasteries of the mind  by tuning out and disengaging from the left’s cultural agents: popular tv, modern films, professional sporting contests and those platforms of social media that have become nothing more than sounding boards for progressive leftist mores that worship diversity in everything except in thought. It’s a clear and growing trend. Professor Victor Davis Hanson, whom I also admire greatly, has envoked the ancient Greek virtue of “Sophrosyne” which represents temperance, prudence and wisdom: the notion of a well-ordered and balanced life flowing from separation from the world’s corrupting evils such as those so clearly on display in the photo you’ve so effectively curated for us today.

In ancient Greek myth Sophrosyne was one of the many entities released from Pandora’s box but was the only one that made her way immediately back to the heavens rather than remain on earth among the other divinities released which stayed both to corrupt and to be further corrupted.

I commend you on a particularly excellent post today and, more generally, for your fearless leadership of our troops. The thoughts of  Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes apply here:”…the only place for the man who is complete in all his powers is in the fight”. Keep up the good work, Laura.

Laura writes:

Thank you. I appreciate your kindness (but the praise is too much.)

Children in America today are like children from primitive tribes. The quasi-naked, the tattooed, occult practices, cannibalism — all that surrounds them.

But we live in a culture that fell from the light — not one that was never illuminated. So I think it is much worse than with ancient tribes — worse than it has ever, ever been for children in the history of the world. This isn’t liberalism so much as Satanism.

It can’t last.

“But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

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