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Browsing posts from April, 2018

A Request

April 29, 2018

PLEASE pray for my father, William Paul Quinn, who is expected to die in the next day or two. He is 91, and has struggled physically for a long time, but especially in the last six months since my mother’s death.

Pray also for your own parents, if they are still alive. Here is a beautiful prayer for that purpose:

O God, Who hast commanded us to love our father and mother, look down upon the souls of my beloved parents, whom Thy only-begotten Son has redeemed on the Cross. Remember, O Lord, the good which with Thy grace they accomplished; remit the punishments which their imperfections deserve. Pay Thou their debt, O Jesus, with Thy Precious Blood. Grant me that favor for the sake of the love which Thou hast for Thy Mother Mary and Thy Foster-Father Saint Joseph. Grant that I may meet my dear parents again in the realm of eternal bliss, that we may together enjoy the happiness of Thy saints forever and ever. Amen.

I appreciate your prayers for my father.


Jealous Jorge

April 28, 2018

“BERGOGLIO was not at ease with people who were in a position to overshadow him psychologically, intellectually, or socially. He was a recruit from a lower social level than many of his companions in the Society of Jesus, and in the class-conscious society that is Argentina’s legacy from its oligarchic past this was always a visible handicap. He dealt with it by affecting an exaggerated vulgarity (thus leading to the complaints about coarse language mentioned in the Kolvenbach Report), while at large gatherings he would make a point of ignoring the bigwigs and spending time chatting genially to the cleaners and manual workers. One can see a similar defense mechanism in his assumption of a simple, retiring persona which was in fact a cover for close psychological control.”

—- Marcantonio Colonna, The Dictator Pope: The Inside Story of the Francis Papacy [Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2018], pp. 36-37

A video interview with the author of The Dictator Pope has been posted at Novus Ordo Watch. Unfortunately, despite his important revelations about “Pope” Francis, the author, whose real name is Henry J.A. Sire, accepts Francis as a true pope. See the perceptive comments with this post.


The Poison of Television

April 28, 2018

ALAN writes:

Fifty years ago, there were only three television networks in America and no such thing as around-the-clock TV entertainment. But some Americans thought that even that was too much.

Years before Marie Winn’s The Plug-In Drug (1977) and Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death (1985), veteran entertainer and show business legend George Jessel saw a menace in push-button entertainment so easily available. In 1968, he said in The Great Comedians Talk About Comedy [Citadel Press, 1968]:

“…..I think the amount of television we have is a terrible curse to our country…..because I see us completely degenerating.   ….the nation has been sort of intrigued or drugged to stay at home…..”

“There’s so little show business today in the United States,” he said, meaning: So little live theater of the kind where you could take your children and your Aunt Tilly on a Saturday afternoon. He was remembering a time when stage plays were common and where you had to get dressed up to go and where your children could learn how to dress and behave properly in public settings.

At one time there were 25 theaters in St. Louis that offered live entertainment ranging from vaudeville to stage plays, and performers ranging from Ethel Barrymore, Sarah Bernhardt, and Bob Hope to Jack Benny, Fred Astaire, and George Jessel. All but three of those theaters were demolished—along with the frame of mind in which people understood entertainment to be something out of the ordinary, a special occasion, something set apart.  Read More »


Men Should Look Like Men

April 27, 2018


Even gangsters such as Al Capone (center) wore suits though their work was arguably quite … casual.

A READER writes:

I was reading your post on how men should dress and had a few question if you don’t mind.

Is it ever appropriate for a man to wear a T-shirt?  If so, when?

Is it ever appropriate for men to wear sandals, flip-flops, etc.?  If so, when?

Should men always wear a tie when in public?  If no, how casual can a man dress while still being appropriately dressed?

Thank you for your blog and any guidance you can offer. Read More »


The Sound of Pseudo-Silence

April 27, 2018

STEPHEN IPPOLITO writes from Australia:

What a completely different and ugly creature is the cacophony and egotism that is to be the so-called “Day of Silence.” What a misnomer. No silence at all in it. No withdrawal. No stillness of mind or thought as a prelude to self-abnegation. No minimizing themselves or their egos in the service of their purported cause. On the contrary, they’re just setting up for one very loud, virtue-signaling jamboree of self-display.

Looking at the organizer’s website one sees clearly that everything connected with the day is designed to facilitate the SJW’s doing what they love best: drawing attention to and celebrating themselves. This is to be no mustering of contemplative withdrawal. Consider the bustling about publicly registering for the activity itself; running around pinning up posters advertising the activity; the public passing out of personal speaking cards to alert the less woke, (which to them is everyone), to what they are doing; the buying, pinning and wearing of buttons and badges to draw attention to themselves. And, of course, there’s the all-important retailing and display opportunities in the form of the buying and selling of “merch”:  their “Day of Silence” t-shirts  and even temporary tattoos both of which proclaim as loudly as words would both their ostensible message and their own superior virtue. It’s a celebration of self rather than a denial of it.

It all just seems to me to be a day to give free reign to the egos of immature people who, like small children, need their mummies and daddies to “look at me,” oblivious that what is perfectly charming and normative in a three-year-old is just sad in an adolescent or adult. Read More »


9/11 Families Call for New Investigation

April 26, 2018


FROM The Free Thought Project:

“This month, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9-11 Inquiry, a group representing families of the 9/11 victims, filed a petition with the U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to push for an investigation into the crimes of 9/11. The committee states that they have “conclusive” evidence that explosives were planted and detonated in the trade center buildings, and that this is the actual reason for the collapse of the towers.

“According to the 52-page petition, which is accompanied by 57 exhibits, federal statute requires the U.S. Department of Justice to review the evidence with a special grand jury. The petition states:

“The Lawyers’ Committee has reviewed the relevant available evidence . . . and has reached a consensus that there is not just substantial or persuasive evidence of yet-to-be-prosecuted crimes related to the use of pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries . . . on 9/11, but there is actually conclusive evidence that such federal crimes were committed.”

“The evidence that is put forward in the petition includes the following: Read More »


LGBT Agitators with Corporate Support

April 26, 2018


In the latest news, see the below message from the American Family Association about this Friday’s “Day of Silence” in public schools.

Whereas Christians use silence as a medicine, the modern activists seem to be using silence as a weapon.  In fact, isn’t that the quintessential contrast between the two groups of people.

From the American Family Association:

On Friday, April 27, high schools (and many middle schools) across the country will be hosting the LGBT movement’s annual “Day of Silence.”

During this all-day event, student activists and even school officials encourage students to be silent for the entire day as a sign of solidarity with the international LGBT movement. Students are encouraged to wear special pro-homosexual badges, stickers, and bracelets – which are often handed out at the school entrances that day. There are also pro-LGBT posters in the hallways, handouts, and even workshops.

Although the adult activists claim that the “Day of Silence” (DOS) is put together by “students,” it is in fact organized behind the scenes by adults with the enthusiastic cooperation of school officials. They use materials and instructions from a national homosexual activist group. Read More »


The Starbucks Racism Hoax

April 24, 2018


Professional-looking graphics at staged protest in Philadelphia

THE arrest of two black loiterers at a Philadelphia Starbucks on April 12 — and the subsequent protests against racism — reek of staging and manufactured fake news. Judging from the promptness with which the police responded, the strange passivity with which the men were arrested, the fake-looking hysteria of an Ashkenazi man at the scene (see this video), the almost instantaneous protests with all the appropriate paraphernalia, the quick outcry by the Anti-Defamation League, and the idiotic, national media storm over what amounted to a triviality, this was either entirely staged or heavily orchestrated to fan racial tension and create distraction with all-too-familiar, Elders-of-Zion diversionary tactics. That does not mean there wasn’t real reaction in nauseating quantities from the media and public, or that the incident itself was definitely not authentic. But the needle of my hoax-o-meter registered a high of 83 percent when I held it up to a few news reports. This media storm was not primarily the doing of liberal snowflakes or black radicals. This wasn’t a big story. It was made into one.

Starbucks, which has been into Soros-style political agitation before, has triumphed with some truly great publicity. You can’t buy this kind of national advertising. Or, maybe you can, but not through the normal channels. Starbucks coffee is the official beverage of the New World Order.

Although I will not indulge this advertising and covert political scheme by complaining about the behavior of the arrested men at length, I will simply note that many black people work in the service industry and presumably would like to keep their jobs, which they will not easily do if many people treat restaurants as meeting places — or protest places. Most blacks are intelligent enough to know that they have to buy something when sitting in a restaurant for any length of time. Whether most are intelligent enough to know when they are being outrageously manipulated and played for fools, I do not know.


One of the two loiterers showed complete passivity and no irritation as he was arrested.


The rent-a-crowd protest


End the Fed

April 24, 2018

ELLEN BROWN on rising interest rates and what to do about them:

The Federal Reserve calls itself independent, but it is independent only of government. It marches to the drums of the banks that are its private owners. To prevent another Great Recession or Great Depression, Congress needs to amend the Federal Reserve Act, nationalize the Fed and turn it into a public utility, one that is responsive to the needs of the public and the economy.


The Mother of All Mothers

April 24, 2018


Madonna col Bambino, attributed to Perugino

FROM  Fr. Karl Stehlin, writing in his book The Nature, Dignity, and Mission of Woman (Angelus Press. Kindle Edition):

“IF GOD Himself defines the most intimate possible relationship between Himself and a creature as the relation between mother and child, then we can say that all earthly motherhood finds its deepest meaning in connection with the Divine Maternity. Mary’s motherhood is the model and standard of every sort of motherhood on earth, and every instance of motherhood on earth is meant to be an echo of the Divine Maternity. That means that the mother (and by analogy the father also) experiences her motherhood fully when she views it in light of Mary’s motherhood.

“The parents see their child as a gift from God; they see in the child the presence of the Child Jesus. Conceiving the child and carrying it in the womb becomes for the mother a living reminder and “representation” of the conception of the Eternal Word and of carrying Jesus Christ in one’s heart. The birth and the raising of the child are understood as symbolic of the divine mission, that is, the sending forth of Jesus Christ into the world and His proclamation which gives birth to Christ in souls. Jesus Himself confirms this way of looking at it when He says that whoever does His will is “brother, sister and mother” to Him (Mt. 12:50).

“Mary’s Divine Maternity makes comprehensible to the Christian, and in particular to the Christian woman, the mission that she has to fulfill in her short life. Read More »


The Science of 9/11

April 19, 2018


HERE’S MORE on the science of 9/11 from the learned and articulate Danish chemistry professor, Dr. Niels Harrit.

“You do not go out and look for 9/11,” he says. “9/11 finds you. And accidentally 9/11 found me as a scientist. So I had to do what I had to do and that was bring my competence and my understanding to a wider audience.”


The Phantom Hijackers

April 19, 2018



On Modesty In All Things

April 18, 2018

“Nothing represents an object more faithfully or clearly than a mirror.  In the same way, nothing more widely represents the good or bad qualities of a soul than the greater or lesser regulation of the exterior, as when one appears more or less modest.  You must be modest in speech, modest in laughter, modest in your bearing, modest in walking.  All this must be practiced, not out of vanity in order to display one’s self, nor out of hypocrisy in order to appear to be good to the eyes of others, but rather, for the internal virtue of modesty, which regulates the external workings of the body.”

— Padre Pio (Read more here)


The Privilege of Suffering

April 17, 2018

“IF THE Lord should give you power to raise the dead, He would give much less than He does when He bestows suffering. By miracles you would make yourself debtor to Him, while by suffering He may become debtor to you. And even if sufferings had no other reward than being able to bear something for that God who loves you, is not this a great reward and a sufficient remuneration? Whoever loves, understands what I say.”

—-St. John Chrysostom


The Judeo-Communist Genocide in Russia

April 17, 2018


THE FRENCH author Hervé Ryssen documents the leading role of Judaism in the Communist Revolution in 20th-century Russia in this excellent documentary. (Warning: Disturbing images include reenactments of executions.) An estimated 30 million people, mostly Christian, were killed by the Communists in Soviet Russia. (Alexander Solzhenitsyn  put the death toll at 60 million.) Ironically, as Ryssen explains, many secular Jews became Communists because they wanted to inaugurate a reign of peace on earth, others wanted revenge against monarchist Russia — and of course, most Jewish Communists were not themselves murderers. The movement they supported was and to this day, the Western press conceals the extent of the genocide. American students are taught about the Holocaust, even though there is no hard evidence of gas chambers, nor will there ever be hard evidence since the technology for large-scale gassings of the type described by survivors was non-existent, and the claimed death toll is patently false. Students are never taught the history of the Soviet genocide, for which there is abundant documentation and physical evidence.

This history is highly relevant to world events today, as Ryssen explains at the end of the documentary. Ryssen has been arrested numerous times, fined and imprisoned in France for his discussions of these events. The sort of censorship that existed in Soviet Russia exists in the West today.


Nietzsche and Dostoevsky on Feminism

April 17, 2018

FROM a comment posted here in 2013 by Steve Kogan, a writer who is now deceased:

The issue of “women’s rights” was almost a century old when Nietzsche cut it to the quick with a five word response: “Feminism: the uglification of Europe.” For years, I found nothing to match its bite until I recently came across the following reminiscence in The Dostoevsky Archive: Firsthand Accounts of the Novelist from Contemporaries’ Memoirs and Rare Periodicals (1997):

    At the parties I gave, Dostoevsky showed himself to be a charming person. He told his stories, and he displayed his wit and humor, as well as his unusual and original way of thinking. As a new person entered the room, however, Dostoevsky became silent for a moment and looked like a snail retreating into its shell, or like a silent and evil-looking pagan idol. And this lasted until the newcomer produced a good impression on him…. If the stranger engaged Dostoevsky in conversation, one generally heard him make some rude remark, or saw a sour look on his face.

    Dostoevsky was opposed to the so-called “Women’s Question.” At that time, this movement took the form of eccentric behavior and attire on the part of some women, such as very short haircuts, dark blue spectacles and other fads. Among other things, these ladies did not notice that Dostoevsky disliked them, and they revered him as their teacher.

    Several times, I was present at such meetings. A contemporary woman entered the room. She failed to notice the forbidding expression on Dostoevsky’s face. She did not hear his cold tone of voice or his formal question, “What do you want?” This lady, filled with her own motives, began to tell her story, with animated and shining eyes and flushed cheeks. Read More »


Trump’s PR Stunt

April 16, 2018

MOST of the missiles fired at Syria this weekend did not hit the ground. There were no casualties and little damage. The Anti-New York Times has the most flattering interpretation of Trump’s action:

Notice the pattern:

Trump “attacks” Syria in 2017 then, weeks later, cuts off funding to the CIA’s “moderate rebels” just as Putin is bombing the crap out of them.
Trump threatens to nuke North Korea. Now, he will be meeting with Lil’ Kim in June!
Trump declares “trade war” against China. Then, China removes some of its trade barriers (as Xi and Trump had surely already agreed upon during Trump’s visit to China).
Trump goes along with Congress’s sanctions on Russia (which he cannot stop, anyway) and bashes Putin. He then announces that he wants to meet with Putin soon.

Trump’s strategy of rhetorical aggressiveness and harmless fireworks enables him to outmaneuver the warmongers — keeping them silent as he pulls the rug out from under them. Be not alarmed by these strategic actions, boys and girls. Trump, Putin, Xi — and by extension, Assad and Lil’ Kim are all on the same team. For all we know, Trump may have even just bombed CIA targets!


The Screaming Professor

April 16, 2018

PHILOSOPHY professor George Yancy plugs his new book in The New York Times:

Do I give up on white people, on white America, or do I continue to fight for a better white America, despite the fact that my efforts continue to lead to forms of unspeakable white racist backlash?

I am convinced that America suffers from a pervasively malignant and malicious systemic illness — white racism. There is also an appalling lack of courage, weakness of will, spinelessness and indifference in our country that helps to sustain it. That indifference is itself a cruel reality, a reality that often makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs until I fall flat on my face from exhaustion. That indifference makes me sick to my stomach.

Plenty of evil white people will probably buy his book.