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A Request « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Request

April 29, 2018

PLEASEĀ pray for my father, William Paul Quinn, who is expected to die in the next day or two. He is 91, and has struggled physically for a long time, but especially in the last six months since my mother’s death.

Pray also for your own parents, if they are still alive. Here is a beautiful prayer for that purpose:

O God, Who hast commanded us to love our father and mother, look down upon the souls of my beloved parents, whom Thy only-begotten Son has redeemed on the Cross. Remember, O Lord, the good which with Thy grace they accomplished; remit the punishments which their imperfections deserve. Pay Thou their debt, O Jesus, with Thy Precious Blood. Grant me that favor for the sake of the love which Thou hast for Thy Mother Mary and Thy Foster-Father Saint Joseph. Grant that I may meet my dear parents again in the realm of eternal bliss, that we may together enjoy the happiness of Thy saints forever and ever. Amen.

I appreciate your prayers for my father.

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