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Jealous Jorge « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Jealous Jorge

April 28, 2018

“BERGOGLIO was not at ease with people who were in a position to overshadow him psychologically, intellectually, or socially. He was a recruit from a lower social level than many of his companions in the Society of Jesus, and in the class-conscious society that is Argentina’s legacy from its oligarchic past this was always a visible handicap. He dealt with it by affecting an exaggerated vulgarity (thus leading to the complaints about coarse language mentioned in the Kolvenbach Report), while at large gatherings he would make a point of ignoring the bigwigs and spending time chatting genially to the cleaners and manual workers. One can see a similar defense mechanism in his assumption of a simple, retiring persona which was in fact a cover for close psychological control.”

—- Marcantonio Colonna, The Dictator Pope: The Inside Story of the Francis Papacy [Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2018], pp. 36-37

A video interview with the author of The Dictator Pope has been posted at Novus Ordo Watch. Unfortunately, despite his important revelations about “Pope” Francis, the author, whose real name is Henry J.A. Sire, accepts Francis as a true pope. See the perceptive comments with this post.

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