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LGBT Agitators with Corporate Support « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

LGBT Agitators with Corporate Support

April 26, 2018


In the latest news, see the below message from the American Family Association about this Friday’s “Day of Silence” in public schools.

Whereas Christians use silence as a medicine, the modern activists seem to be using silence as a weapon.  In fact, isn’t that the quintessential contrast between the two groups of people.

From the American Family Association:

On Friday, April 27, high schools (and many middle schools) across the country will be hosting the LGBT movement’s annual “Day of Silence.”

During this all-day event, student activists and even school officials encourage students to be silent for the entire day as a sign of solidarity with the international LGBT movement. Students are encouraged to wear special pro-homosexual badges, stickers, and bracelets – which are often handed out at the school entrances that day. There are also pro-LGBT posters in the hallways, handouts, and even workshops.

Although the adult activists claim that the “Day of Silence” (DOS) is put together by “students,” it is in fact organized behind the scenes by adults with the enthusiastic cooperation of school officials. They use materials and instructions from a national homosexual activist group.

Please join the national effort to restore to public education a proper understanding of the role of government-subsidized schools.

You can actively oppose this hijacking of the classroom for political purposes and help de-politicize the learning environment by keeping your child out of school if your child’s school participates, promotes or allows “Day of Silence” activities. [Visit www.doswalkout.net for complete information on opposing the “Day of Silence.”] Read more here.

Laura writes:

Thank you for this news.

The idea that the “Day of Silence” is organized by students is a big, fat lie.

This yearly political stunt is the work of an organization known as GLSEN, started and run by adults. Not just adult volunteers. The organization has received heavy funding from corporations, political organizations and George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Here is a list of some of its sponsors:

American Federation of Teachers
Arcus Foundation
Calamus Foundation
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Citi Foundation
DaimlerChrysler Corporation
David Bohnett Foundation
Eastman/Kodak Company
Ernst & Young
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Ford Foundation
David Geffen Foundation
Gill Foundation
George Gund Foundation
Heckscher Foundation for Children
Human Civil Rights Organizations of America: A CFC
IBM Corporation
International Association of Gay and Lesbian Country Western Dance Clubs
Johnson Family Foundation
Metropolitan Tennis Group, Inc.
Morningstar Foundation
National Education Association
New York Community Trust
The Overbrook Foundation
Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation
Ted Snowdon Foundation
The Streisand Foundation
Time Warner
W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation
Working Assets/CREDO

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