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The Cult of Liberty « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Cult of Liberty

April 6, 2018


The Statue of Liberty, or the Statue of Oppression?

Is the cult of liberty the desire to free man from the excesses of government in regulating the lives of the citizens?

No, because the facts of history tell us otherwise. The world has never known more oppressive governments or bigger governments than those which profess the cult of liberty. No governments have meddled more in the lives of their citizens. Since the abolition of the monarchies and the rise of democracies, the common man, the family and business have been subject to tyrannical oppression, emaciating taxation, as well as economic and social “engineering” which affects every aspect of life. The democracies of the past two hundred years make the most dictatorial monarchical regimes look like liberty fests. With democracy have come both liberalism and socialism, two sources of oppression for hundreds of millions of people, if not billions, over the past two hundred years.

 This fact tells us that the liberty which the cult of liberty seeks is not the freedom of the common man from big, oppressive, and tyrannical governments. It is a freedom from something else which the cult of liberty seeks.

“The Cult of Liberty,” The Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn

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