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The Judeo-Communist Genocide in Russia « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Judeo-Communist Genocide in Russia

April 17, 2018


THE FRENCH author Hervé Ryssen documents the leading role of Judaism in the Communist Revolution in 20th-century Russia in this excellent documentary. (Warning: Disturbing images include reenactments of executions.) An estimated 30 million people, mostly Christian, were killed by the Communists in Soviet Russia. (Alexander Solzhenitsyn  put the death toll at 60 million.) Ironically, as Ryssen explains, many secular Jews became Communists because they wanted to inaugurate a reign of peace on earth, others wanted revenge against monarchist Russia — and of course, most Jewish Communists were not themselves murderers. The movement they supported was and to this day, the Western press conceals the extent of the genocide. American students are taught about the Holocaust, even though there is no hard evidence of gas chambers, nor will there ever be hard evidence since the technology for large-scale gassings of the type described by survivors was non-existent, and the claimed death toll is patently false. Students are never taught the history of the Soviet genocide, for which there is abundant documentation and physical evidence.

This history is highly relevant to world events today, as Ryssen explains at the end of the documentary. Ryssen has been arrested numerous times, fined and imprisoned in France for his discussions of these events. The sort of censorship that existed in Soviet Russia exists in the West today.

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