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The Screaming Professor « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Screaming Professor

April 16, 2018

PHILOSOPHY professor George Yancy plugs his new book in The New York Times:

Do I give up on white people, on white America, or do I continue to fight for a better white America, despite the fact that my efforts continue to lead to forms of unspeakable white racist backlash?

I am convinced that America suffers from a pervasively malignant and malicious systemic illness — white racism. There is also an appalling lack of courage, weakness of will, spinelessness and indifference in our country that helps to sustain it. That indifference is itself a cruel reality, a reality that often makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs until I fall flat on my face from exhaustion. That indifference makes me sick to my stomach.

Plenty of evil white people will probably buy his book.

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