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The Sound of Pseudo-Silence « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Sound of Pseudo-Silence

April 27, 2018

STEPHEN IPPOLITO writes from Australia:

What a completely different and ugly creature is the cacophony and egotism that is to be the so-called “Day of Silence.” What a misnomer. No silence at all in it. No withdrawal. No stillness of mind or thought as a prelude to self-abnegation. No minimizing themselves or their egos in the service of their purported cause. On the contrary, they’re just setting up for one very loud, virtue-signaling jamboree of self-display.

Looking at the organizer’s website one sees clearly that everything connected with the day is designed to facilitate the SJW’s doing what they love best: drawing attention to and celebrating themselves. This is to be no mustering of contemplative withdrawal. Consider the bustling about publicly registering for the activity itself; running around pinning up posters advertising the activity; the public passing out of personal speaking cards to alert the less woke, (which to them is everyone), to what they are doing; the buying, pinning and wearing of buttons and badges to draw attention to themselves. And, of course, there’s the all-important retailing and display opportunities in the form of the buying and selling of “merch”:  their “Day of Silence” t-shirts  and even temporary tattoos both of which proclaim as loudly as words would both their ostensible message and their own superior virtue. It’s a celebration of self rather than a denial of it.

It all just seems to me to be a day to give free reign to the egos of immature people who, like small children, need their mummies and daddies to “look at me,” oblivious that what is perfectly charming and normative in a three-year-old is just sad in an adolescent or adult.

— Comments —

Michael writes:

Nice to see that my high school alma mater is celebrating the Day of Indoctrination with a planned teacher’s workday.

Laura writes:

Public schools have reached a new level of indoctrination — outright, bold, unapologetic, Communistic agitation.

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