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The Starbucks Racism Hoax « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Starbucks Racism Hoax

April 24, 2018


Professional-looking graphics at staged protest in Philadelphia

THE arrest of two black loiterers at a Philadelphia Starbucks on April 12 — and the subsequent protests against racism — reek of staging and manufactured fake news. Judging from the promptness with which the police responded, the strange passivity with which the men were arrested, the fake-looking hysteria of an Ashkenazi man at the scene (see this video), the almost instantaneous protests with all the appropriate paraphernalia, the quick outcry by the Anti-Defamation League, and the idiotic, national media storm over what amounted to a triviality, this was either entirely staged or heavily orchestrated to fan racial tension and create distraction with all-too-familiar, Elders-of-Zion diversionary tactics. That does not mean there wasn’t real reaction in nauseating quantities from the media and public, or that the incident itself was definitely not authentic. But the needle of my hoax-o-meter registered a high of 83 percent when I held it up to a few news reports. This media storm was not primarily the doing of liberal snowflakes or black radicals. This wasn’t a big story. It was made into one.

Starbucks, which has been into Soros-style political agitation before, has triumphed with some truly great publicity. You can’t buy this kind of national advertising. Or, maybe you can, but not through the normal channels. Starbucks coffee is the official beverage of the New World Order.

Although I will not indulge this advertising and covert political scheme by complaining about the behavior of the arrested men at length, I will simply note that many black people work in the service industry and presumably would like to keep their jobs, which they will not easily do if many people treat restaurants as meeting places — or protest places. Most blacks are intelligent enough to know that they have to buy something when sitting in a restaurant for any length of time. Whether most are intelligent enough to know when they are being outrageously manipulated and played for fools, I do not know.


One of the two loiterers showed complete passivity and no irritation as he was arrested.


The rent-a-crowd protest

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