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Trump’s PR Stunt « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump’s PR Stunt

April 16, 2018

MOST of the missiles fired at Syria this weekend did not hit the ground. There were no casualties and little damage. The Anti-New York Times has the most flattering interpretation of Trump’s action:

Notice the pattern:

Trump “attacks” Syria in 2017 then, weeks later, cuts off funding to the CIA’s “moderate rebels” just as Putin is bombing the crap out of them.
Trump threatens to nuke North Korea. Now, he will be meeting with Lil’ Kim in June!
Trump declares “trade war” against China. Then, China removes some of its trade barriers (as Xi and Trump had surely already agreed upon during Trump’s visit to China).
Trump goes along with Congress’s sanctions on Russia (which he cannot stop, anyway) and bashes Putin. He then announces that he wants to meet with Putin soon.

Trump’s strategy of rhetorical aggressiveness and harmless fireworks enables him to outmaneuver the warmongers — keeping them silent as he pulls the rug out from under them. Be not alarmed by these strategic actions, boys and girls. Trump, Putin, Xi — and by extension, Assad and Lil’ Kim are all on the same team. For all we know, Trump may have even just bombed CIA targets!

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