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Killing Us Softly « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Killing Us Softly

May 9, 2018


SARA writes:

I have been reading your blog for a while, and want to thank you for being a voice of sanity in an insane world.  I don’t know what I would do without your words.

It seems one of the biggest issues in today’s world is what few are acknowledging.  It takes place in our skies daily and if people would just look up they would see it. Euphemistically called “geoengineering,” it is the aerosol spraying of aluminum particulates, ostensibly to moderate climate change.  There is a website the explains all of this better than I ever could, done by a man who has given his life to wake people up to this global threat to all living things. [Here is Dane Wigington’s introduction to the jet spraying of aerosols or “chemtrails.”] The scope and implications of this demonic activity are shocking.

This documentary is comprehensive, a must-watch on this issue. It is eye-opening (and disturbing); if you can take the time to watch it, you will see this health crisis approached from multiple angles.

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