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The Degenerate British Royals « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Degenerate British Royals

May 21, 2018


Harry the Loser and his used-up, feminist bride Meghan — Who cares?

FROM Mike King’s Anti-New York Times:

Who bloody cares about those degenerate useless eaters of the modern British Monarchy and their “royal weddings?” Evidently, the owners of the Piranha Press (cough cough) and the hordes of simpletons enthralled by their wholly owned EIB (Electronic Idiot Box) do — and there’s a historical reason for it.

You see, the British Royal Mafia and various parliamentarians — initially for the glory of the ever-expanding Empire and then for the purpose of survival — got in bed with and were then forced to stay in bed with the International Jewish bankers a long time ago. That is why “The House of Windsor” is still around, whereas the Habsburgs (Spain,Austria),  Hohenzollern  (Prussia/Germany)  Romanovs  (Russia)  and Bourbons(France, Italy) are not.


What the short-sighted British Monarchy and ultra-nationalist statesmen never realized, is that in allowing the money lenders to grow so rich by financing the worldwide empire and its associated wars, the British eventually went broke, lost their official “hit man” position to the United States, lost their empire and power to the banker-funded subversive Marxists and Fabians, and even lost control of their home island to the Globalists as well! But for centuries of faithful services rendered to Zion, the British royals did at least get to keep their lives, their inherited fortunes, their unwarranted privileges and their undeserved “rock star” status — provided, of course, that they continue to obey and not get any ideas about truly serving the interests of the British “commoners.”

You know, given the absolute control that “they” have over these de-balled, has-been royals, we can’t help but wonder if Meghan Markle  —  a moderately attractive, divorced, 36-year old, half-Negress, Hollywood feminist actress who has surely been mounted up by more bucks that even Winston Churchill’s notorious whore of a mother, Jennie Jerome — wasn’t forced upon handsome Prince Harry (age 33) as some sort of elite psy-op against the traditional White remnants of rapidly diversifying / rapidly decaying Britain. Seriously, this guy could have married any 20-something-year-old virgin (or at least something with far less “mileage”) in all of England. What the heck is going on here?

Headline: The Guardian: “Meghan Markle’s wedding was a rousing celebration of blackness.”

Job well done, Mr. Cromwell.

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