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The Met Sleaze, 2018 « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Met Sleaze, 2018

May 17, 2018


Rihanna at the Met Gala

THE MET GALA at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is an annual fashion extravaganza  on the first Monday of May — an expensive celebration of ugliness, arrogance, raw flesh and ego by celebrities who parade on a red carpet before banks of photographers.

Stars at the event have for a long time flaunted blasphemy with crosses and religious images on their bodies, but this year’s event on May 7th reached new heights of indecency, sacrilege and Satanism with a theme that coincided with the museum’s new exhibit, “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination.”

The fleshy stars were dressed in sacred vestments and objects donated by the Vatican. Yup, that’s right. Archbishop “Timothy Dolan was in attendance to further give a “Catholic” seal of approval. The actual exhibit was sponsored by Jewish billionaire Stephen A. Schwarzman, who gave $5 million to stage “Heavenly Bodies.”

“Hellish Bodies” was more like it at the star-studded ball.

The singer Lana del Rey did a parody of Our Lady of Sorrows complete with an image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the seven swords on her bodice.

“Victoria’s Secret model Stella Maxwell [wore] a tight strapless column gown stamped with six large icons of Our Lady; actress Sarah Jessica Parker ‘wore” a Neapolitan nativity scene on her head; [and] actress Zendaya Coleman dressed up as a back-and-cleavage-showing Saint Joan of Arc,” writes Luiz Sérgio Solimeo at The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property.

“Actress Anne Hathaway was dressed in a red cardinal’s outfit, with a bare back and equally indecent, cleavage-displaying front. Rapper Nicki Minaj sported a cardinal-type flowing red cloak, and her impure top was not outdone by the front of her dress which was slit almost to her waist, revealing her bare legs when she walked. To media Minaj declared: ‘I’m dressed as the devil.’ Another Victoria’s Secret model, Taylor Hill, wore a red-trimmed cleavage-showing black dress, a pectoral cross, and what looked like a cardinal’s red sash and pellegrina.”

“Singer Katy Perry, who composed a song titled ‘Dance with the Devil,’ came in a gigantic winged white angel costume and a skimpy golden minidress. Madonna, who has performed the most outrageous blasphemies during her career, came with a crucifix dotted crown, and wearing a black dress with two-and-a-half-inch-wide, see-through, full-torso cut-out Latin cross.”



Madonna at the Met

Parody of a nun

For those who don’t realize just how flagrantly sacrilegious the fake religion within the Vatican and “Catholic” churches around the world can be, and how much decent Catholics are being robbed and cheated, the participation of the ostensible hierarchy in this event may be shocking news. To me, it is not shocking. Nothing the Arch-Buffoon of New York — and the arrogant antipope — could do would shock, unless, of course, they repented.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art has irreparably damaged its integrity. But that too is not surprising. We live in a world of cultural institutions so far gone they can never be recovered. We can only hope the art objects will be saved.

God is listening. In his magnificent wisdom, He does not respond right away.

— Comments —

Kyle writes:

Thank you for covering this sacrilegious event. You left no stone unturned by naming the Jewish financier of the event, Stephen Schwarzman–a Skull & Bones Yale alumni, no less. The liberal left in Hollywood that complains about “cultural appropriation” any time a white person dresses in non-Anglo garb obviously thinks that mocking the Roman Catholic Church is fair game. Timothy Dolan was there to show us “rigid” Catholics how to have “ecumenical dialogue” with a group of people who, if given the opportunity,  would bulldoze the Vatican to the ground. If Madonna Louise Ciccone advocated blowing up the White House due to the supposed rise of tyrannical patriarchy in the form of Donald Trump, what variety of destruction would she level against the Church?

Katheryn Hudson (aka Katy Perry) recently won a lawsuit against the sisters of the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Los Angeles. In 2016 the Archdiocese of Los Angeles sold the 8-acre, 30,000 sq. ft. convent to her. Sister Catherine Rose Holzman, one of the nuns fighting the archdioceses’ decision to sell to Perry, died in a post-judgment court appearance on March 9 at age of 89. “Katy Perry represents everything we don’t believe in,” Holzman said in one interview. “It would be a sin to sell to her.”

Archbishop Robert Barron couldn’t be bothered to give a public comment because he was too busy reviewing evil movies made by the same Hollywood millionaires he gladly accepts money from. Read the lyrics to Perry’s 2012 song, “Peacock”, and remember that his archdiocese accepted $15 million from the writer of it to buy a convent that was stolen from the nuns.

“For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue, and their devices are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his majesty. The shew of their countenance hath answered them: and they have proclaimed abroad their sin as Sodom, and they have not hid it: woe to their souls, for evils are rendered to them. Say to the just man that it is well, for he shall eat the fruit of his doings. Woe to the wicked unto evil: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.” – Isaiah 3: 8-11

Laura writes:

Here’s a more extensive report on the event at Tradition in Action.

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