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Wacky Nuns « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Wacky Nuns

May 19, 2018

A READER writes:

Your reader, Kyle, mentioned the legal battle between Katy Perry and a few nuns in Los Angeles. I think he is idealizing these nuns. I’ve done a tiny bit of searching into this story and came across the nuns’ website Stand with the Sisters and a link to a documentary on the story (which I’ve not spent my time watching).

The documentary opens with these words:

“Would you be surprised to find out that this is actually a case about women’s rights? For millenia religious women have persevered silently under the patriarchy of the Catholic Church. Their status has always remained secondary, behind the male clergy. Courageously, two women have taken a stand against this injustice.”

— Comments —

Kyle writes:

I appreciate the reader bringing this new information to our attention. I apologize for not doing the necessary investigation into their “progressive” positions and misleading with the tone I took in their defense. This clearly changes my view on their situation and it should be considered a sort of cosmic justice that a feminist like Katy Perry has purchased the convent in spite of them. This new information, although further illustrating the dire straits of modern society and the current state of the Church, doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

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