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Abortion in Ireland « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Abortion in Ireland

June 4, 2018

JUDE DUFFY wrote at Fitzpatrick Informer last week about the Irish abortion referendum. His thesis that the referendum was rigged is plausible, but even if one does not accept it, his analysis of the major forces at work in Ireland is accurate:

In keeping with the Big Rig strategy—a subspecies of the Big Lie—the Deep State rigged the abortion vote referendum on a massive scale; the theory being that, as with the Big Lie, the bigger the rig, the more it stupefies the target into dazed submission—Shock and Awe administered in the psycho-political realm.

Bear in mind that the Irish vote had implications not just for Ireland but also for Northern Ireland, the United States, Poland, Spain, Hungary, and other countries where abortion is still a burning issue. So, for both domestic and international reasons, the Deep State needed the defeat to be huge and psychologically crushing. Is anyone naive enough to believe they wouldn’t rig it under such exigent conditions? Seriously?

In Ireland, remember, there are no alternative media, and almost no independent journalists of any kind. No one here is watching the Rothschild crooks of the government and the Alinskyite far Left, so they can get away with just about anything.

Crucially, Ireland also has proportionally one of the largest and most powerful Masonic networks in the world—networks that almost no one—not even the strongest Catholics—seem to be aware of. Indeed, the silence in Ireland surrounding Freemasonry is a not so paradoxical a testament to its huge power and success. A secret society that is talked about is, after all, by definition, not so secret.

In 2008, the then Prime Minister of Ireland, Brian Cowen, called the current Irish Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar (an openly homosexual Neocon), and his party colleagues ‘Freemason F***ers”. Within a few months, Cowen and his government were hit by a huge bankster-induced financial crisis that brought the country to its knees, and destroyed Cowen’s political career. The “Freemason F***ers” have held the tiller on behalf of Rothschild globalism ever since.

As for Ireland’s pro-abortion Left, it is dominated by criminals and terrorists. The Workers Party, a criminal terrorist, Stalinist gang with strong links to British intelligence, took a leading part in the campaign, as did Ireland’s mainstream left-wing party, Labour—itself dominated by ex-Workers Party stalwarts.

Pro-abortion Sinn Fein is another criminal enterprise controlled by British intelligence—as are the thuggish Trotskyist parties, such as Solidarity (aka the Militant Tendency). Who in their right mind would expect any of these guys to play by the rules of democracy?

In any other country on planet earth, a gaping chasm of 22 per cent between opinion polls and official results would be laughed off the stage. Even the UN would express extreme scepticism. However, so punch drunk have Irish Catholics become over several generations, they long ago stopped noticing what stares them in the face.

Organised opposition to Rothschild globalism in Ireland does not exist—only a single issue anti-abortion movement, which cringes, Stockholm-syndrome style, in the face of its Zio-leftist persecutors, does.

Thus, true to form, the pro-life leadership are ignoring the irrefutable evidence of huge fraud in the referendum, opting instead for their usual weedy, fatalistic response to pre-ordained “defeats”—their self-absorbed reasoning being that it’s better to be rigged into oblivion than to be seen as a bad loser—or worse still, a “conspiracy theorist”. [Read more here.]

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