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The Money Masters « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Money Masters

June 20, 2018

IF MOST Americans understood the basics of our monetary system, they would rise up as one — left and right, black and white, Christian and non-Christian — to overturn it and take the power of money creation out of private hands. Most don’t understand it because important details are never mentioned in the media or in schools. Bill Still’s 1996 documentary The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America is an outstanding introduction. It can be viewed in its entirety here. A transcript is available here. From the opening:

Since the turn of the century, there has occurred throughout the world a major increase in debt and a major decline in the freedom of individuals, and of states, to conduct their own affairs. To restore a condition of widespread, modest wealth is therefore essential to regaining and preserving our freedom.

What’s going on in America today? Why are we over our heads in debt? Why can’t the politicians bring debt under control? Why are so many people – often both parents now – working at low-paying, dead-end jobs and still making do with less?  What’s the future of the American economy and way of life?

Why does the government tell us inflation is low, when the buying power of our paychecks is declining at an alarming rate? Only a generation ago, bread was a quarter and you could get a new car for $1,995!

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