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What Struck the Twin Towers? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

What Struck the Twin Towers?

June 22, 2018

DRONES, not passenger airplanes, hit the World Trade Center on 9/11, argues James Perloff:

9/11 wasn’t just the crime of the century, it was arguably the crime of the millennium. An extraordinary crime required extraordinary planning and spending. No conventional civilian Boeings would have been used for it. And I think, for many of us in the Truth Movement (myself included), we have tried to analyze the “plane strikes” based on the characteristics of ordinary planes. Since no ordinary planes could achieve the results of 9/11, some of us made the “either or” mistake, and discarded planes in favor of “no planes at all,” “holograms,” or “CGI added after the fact.”

I do believe that jetliners, modified in the types of ways this post has suggested, could resolve the observed phenomena, including the “impossible” penetration of the second tower (even the “nose out”), the entry gashes in both Towers, the holes in the Pentagon rings and Shanksville soil, and the presence of aircraft wreckage (but in scant amounts untraced to the original aircraft).

A drone, unlike the original jetliner, would also allow for the pod visible on the undersurface of “Flight 175.”

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