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When Sick Is Normal « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When Sick Is Normal

July 9, 2018

TV and movies initiate us into the satanic cult which is modern society. A satanic cult controls and exploits its members by making them sick. Because television and movies were my reference point, I was dysfunctional until almost 50. I was obsessed with relationships and sex as a panacea. I didn’t know how to be a man. I idealized women and called it love.  There were no models of true masculinity. When dysfunctional sick people are your role models, you become dysfunctional.  Arrested development. Immaturity.  Three failed marriages. Confusion. Periods of depression. (I do take responsibility for being so trusting and gullible.) 

Why are there so few positive role models on TV? Why so few examples of healthy, happy life? 

My rehabilitation started when I started to question the messages I was getting and listened to my own instincts instead. 

Liberals like to think the social trends of the last 50 years represent spontaneous social change. Rather, we were being degraded and inducted into a satanic cult. The Illuminati bankers are waging a diabolical war on us, and we don’t even know it. 

Henry Makow, “TV’s Subversive Message: Sick is Healthy”

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