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McCain the Liar « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

McCain the Liar

August 28, 2018

SADDAM Hussein is a megalomaniacal tyrant whose cruelty and offense to the norms of civilization are infamous” Saddam’s government is a clear and present danger to the United States of America…..

“He has developed stocks of germs and toxins in sufficient quantities to kill the entire population of the earth multiple times. He has placed weapons laden with these poisons on alert to fire at his neighbors within minutes, not hours, and has devolved authority to fire them to subordinates. He develops nuclear weapons with which he would hold his neighbors and us hostage.

No, this is not just another self-serving, oil-rich potentate. He is the worst kind of modern-day tyrant — a conscienceless murderer who aspires to omnipotence who has repeatedly committed irrational acts since seizing power. Given this reality, containment and deterrence and international inspections will work no better than the Maginot Line did 62 years ago.”

— John McCain, Oct. 10, 2002, on the floor of the Senate

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