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QAnon Is Psychological Warfare « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

QAnon Is Psychological Warfare

August 14, 2018

HERE IS a compelling Twitter thread on the disturbing QAnon phenomenon.

— Comments —

Anonymous writes:

If you see the mainstream media promoting any political related group, know that they are controlled by the government.

Mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the government. They won’t promote a group that is exposing anything about them that they don’t want revealed.

QAnon/Anonomous/BLM/LGBT, etc. are all the government. All protests given media coverage are controlled by the government. Charlottesville was staged by the government.

I have been surprised on twitter that many people are now waking up to this.

Laura writes:

Thank you for your comment.

I agree that anything important that is promoted by the mainstream media is controlled information. Perhaps the “deep state” is a better term than “the government.”

We can rest assured that Alex Jones is a shill because censorship of Jones’s Infowars is being covered by the mainstream media. Ditto with QAnon.

QAnon — as well as Pizzagate — appeared to be a psy-op from the beginning because of the way he suddenly burst upon the scene. Real grass roots journalism takes a long time to develop.

Similarly, the mainstream media has been promoting Trump from the start of his presidential campaign. “Dynamic silence” (a term coined by E. Michael Jones, I believe) is the real way to destroy an opponent, not full-time coverage.

Anonymous responds:

Great to see you are so aware of what is going on. I have been surprised recently to see a number of women that are starting to see the truth, possibly even more so than men.

Telling people that the government are faking the news, has a much more powerful impact than telling them “deep state” is, which is why i say government.

Yes Alex Jones and Trump are shills. As you note, lots of media attention is the red flag.

“Dynamic silence” is deployed against all political candidates who are not shills.

Aug. 18, 2018

TK writes:

So the media, by not reporting on things like the true nature of Antifa and other subversive behavior, is trying to destroy it. The same media, with almost total negative reporting of Trump and anything Trump supports, is promoting him. Got it.

Laura writes:

I was referring to a rule regarding politicians and other public figures — not everything the media does not report or discuss.

The total negative reporting on Trump is essential to boost his populist credentials. American conservatives and patriots would not otherwise rally around a thrice-divorced, narcissistic, anti-Christian casino and real estate magnate.

Laura writes:

I meant “thrice-married.”

TK writes:

The reason American patriots and conservatives rally around a thrice-divorced, narcissistic, anti-christian casino owner real estate magnate, is because he is the only one who will fight for them and fight back. Can you imagine anyone else on the planet who could withstand all that has been thrown at him, and still be standing? Who could withstand even a week of it? He doesn’t need the media to denounce him 24/7/365 to boost his popularity with his base. And if it helped him, why would the media do it? They hate him. We’ll just have to disagree on this.

Laura writes:

“And if it helped him, why would the media do it?”

Well, people at the very top — not ordinary journalists who are products of our insane education system — want Donald Trump to succeed. On the big issues, he is totally in line with their agenda and is far better than someone who truly challenges them. How do I know this? I know this because, again, if they didn’t want him to succeed they would have ignored him from the very beginning and focused their publicity — even negative publicity — on someone else.

You need to understand how public relations works.

Often ads are very annoying but they work because they get people’s attention. The goal in promoting something or someone is first to attract attention. That’s just a basic law of publicity.

Why would the media create this constant war against Trump?

It keeps people hooked on the drama, of course, but also to emotionalize you. Once they’ve got you all hot and bothered, they’ve got you. To distract people from the soulless machinations of mega-trillionaires who run the political system, who treat human beings like numbers on an accounting spreadsheet and who own you, me and everyone else through the central banking scam and truly oppressive organs of propaganda. Go ahead, expend your energies on anger toward the low-level Trump demonizers. I won’t give them an ounce of irritation. I feel sorry for them. And I see Trump as a creature of a crushing, despotic establishment, a powerful oligarchy like the world has never seen and makes the tyrants of ancient times seem weak by comparison. Of course, he has to give the people something they want. Otherwise, he couldn’t succeed and the people would revolt.

Also, to prevent people from giving their energies to creative solutions — to creativity itself. Instead they get swept up in fruitless political battles and hating the powerless.

The only one who will fight for them.

Wow, patriots are incredibly weak. They have nothing, absolutely nothing, but Donald Trump. They don’t have truth, they don’t have the cause of virtue, they don’t have honesty and decency, they don’t have the reality that all people on earth naturally want a homeland. They only have Donald Trump.

What losers.

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