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Refuge of Sinners « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Refuge of Sinners

August 19, 2018


Virgin in Adoration (detail), Fra Filippo Lippi

“SOMETIMES we doubt; often enough we have failed to be faithful to grace; and so we think ourselves unworthy to receive God’s help. But that is precisely why God has given us our heavenly Mother, to whom He turned over the whole order of His mercy, as though He wished to protect us from His justice. A way has been pointed out to us; and so long as we walk therein we can always obtain God’s grace. Never must we say that henceforth grace is beyond our reach.

Even if we have serious sins on our conscience, we can rise again. All we need is to turn to the Immaculata. So, let the sinner who has fallen come to her in full confidence. Don’t concentrate your thoughts only on yourself. Saint Paul said: I can do all things in Him Who strengthens me, and in the same way we can say, ‘I can do all things, thanks to her who gives me strength.'”

—- Fr. Maximilian Kolbe

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