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The Murder of Fr. Alfred Kunz « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Murder of Fr. Alfred Kunz

August 31, 2018


Fr. Alfred Kunz

WHEN “Monsignor” Jean François Lantheaume, former first counsellor at the “apostolic” nunciature in Washington D.C., confirmed earlier this week that he had personal knowledge that the accusations against high ranking prelates made by “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Viganò were true, he stated, “I can tell you as being the direct witness that Vigano is telling the truth: I was the direct witness! these may be the last lines I write… if I am found chopped up by a chainsaw and my body sunk in concrete, the police and the hacks will say that we have to consider the hypothesis of suicide !!!”

Perhaps Lantheaume’s statement about his own safety was simply a dark joke. But that the life of someone who would expose the homosexual network in the Vatican II Church would be in grave danger is apparently not paranoia. “Archbishop” Viganò has gone into hiding for very good reason.

In 1998, Fr. Alfred Joseph Kunz, a Catholic priest in Dane, Wisconsin, near Madison, was murdered in his rectory. No one has ever been arrested for the crime, though police say they have a suspect and those who knew Fr. Kunz have their own theories. From a report by the Dane County Sheriff’s Office (warning: this contains some graphic details and is not for those with delicate sensibilities):

“On March 4, 1998, at 7:00 a.m., the body of Fr. Alfred J. Kunz, DOB 4/15/30, was found in the hallway of St. Michael School. The school is in the Village of Dane, population approximately 600, located in rural Dane County 5 miles northwest of Madison, Wis., the state capital.

“Fr. Kunz was the victim of a homicide. His throat was cut with an edged weapon severing the carotid artery. He died as a result of blood loss. The body was discovered by a teacher arriving at the school and was found lying in the hallway near the door to the father’s living quarters in the school. All the doors to the school were locked and there was no sign of forced entry.

“Fr. Kunz was a traditional Roman Catholic priest, who had served at St. Michael Church for 32 years. He had strong traditional orthodox Roman Catholic views that were evidenced by the fact that he conducted Latin Masses as well as English Masses. He was an expert in canon law, the law of the Church, and as such many people nationwide consulted with him.

“On the night prior to the homicide, Fr. Kunz participated in the taping of a religious radio talk program, which was to be aired at a later date. After the taping, at 10:00 p.m., he was dropped off at St. Michael Church/school by another priest. Subsequent to that, at about 10:30 p.m., he had a phone conversation with another priest.

“Investigators believe the killer is someone that Fr. Kunz knew and is familiar with the village and St. Michael’s. Fr. Kunz was probably not fearful of the killer. The attack was cowardly, unprovoked, and unexpected. The particular motive is unknown but may be related to jealousy, revenge, betrayal, or any other issue which was personal to the killer….”

Close associates of Fr. Kunz believe he was murdered because he was about to reveal sexual abuse scandals that would have exposed predator priests in the Novus Ordo Church. This theory is widely accepted by those who knew him, according to Fr. William Jenkins, SSPV.

The homosexual cabal in the Vatican II Church represents a “velvet fist in an iron glove,” Fr. Jenkins states in an interview this week about the Vigano affair. “They’re holding the Novus Ordo Church by the throat right now. … These people will stop at nothing.”

Fr. Edwin Palka, a Novus Ordo priest in Tampa, has essentially agreed with this assessment in his writings in his church bulletin about homosexual prelates. Lifesite News reported earlier this month:

In the bulletin and on the website of the Epiphany of Our Lord Roman Catholic Church, Father Edwin Palka does not mince words about the terrible extent of the damage done by what he calls the gay “Lavender Mafia” within the church. His writing offers light on why the sexual abuse crisis within the U.S. church has continued to rage unabated for decades.

“Many people still don’t (I believe most priests still don’t) understand just how evil the active homosexual or homosexual activist … priests and bishops are,” writes the pastor of that Tampa, Florida parish.

“Not understanding the extent of their depravity and wrongly thinking that they are simply ‘normal’ men who just struggle with their sexual desires and sometimes might fail to remain chaste but are really, truly repentant when it happens and strive to ‘confess my sins, do penance and amend my life, amen’, they cannot possibly grasp the hellish depths to which … [homosexual activist] … clergy will go to persecute, lambaste, punish, humiliate and blackmail anyone who stands in their way or threatens their way of life,” writes Palka.

This threat of blackmail and other forms of retaliation goes a long way to explaining why many innocent Novus Ordo priests have not come forward to expose the guilty.

They are afraid. And the murder of Fr. Kunz serves as a terrifying warning.

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