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The Reckless Female Jogger « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Reckless Female Jogger

August 22, 2018


Mollie Tibbetts

MOLLIE TIBBETTS, a 20-year-old University of Iowa student, disappeared on July 18th while jogging on a country road. Her body was found in a field yesterday and the worst fears have been realized. An undocumented immigrant from Mexico has been charged with murdering her. Tibbetts sadly is now a poster girl for the dangers of excessive immigration.

“As Iowans, we are heartbroken, and we are angry,” Gov. Kim Reynolds wrote on Twitter.

“We are angry that a broken immigration system allowed a predator like this to live in our community, and we will do all we can to bring justice to Mollie’s killer.”

The responsibility for Tibbett’s horrible death rests primarily with her murderer. But Iowans should also be angry that young women like Mollie Tibbetts are encouraged to be reckless. Feminism is also to blame for her death. A society that says female modesty and restraint are oppressive does not protect young women from potential predators. No amount of feminist social engineering can change the facts of nature. A woman who jogs in skimpy clothes on country roads — or even in the city — is a serious temptation to a small criminal element.

Tibbetts was dressed in what would once have been considered underwear — a sports bra and shorts. Surely, she could not have known better given that this is common practice today. But the fact that it is common does not change reality. Jogging in revealing clothes — or even just jogging alone — is dangerous. Safety depends on modesty and restraint.

But also femininity depends on modesty.  Revealing dress could only bring harm to Tibbett’s development as a woman and to her ability to flourish. See the previous discussions here and here on “Exercise and Femininity.” I mentioned that immodest exercise is a “serious temptation to a small criminal element.” But it is also a voyeuristic temptation to ordinary men, encouraging them to have lustful thoughts and fantasies — in feminist language, it encourages them to “objectify” women. It is therefore both a form of unconscious female aggression against men and a form of self-disparagement.

What’s the bottom line? Feminism never was about helping women. Feminism loathes women as they are — even when they are beautiful, relatively innocent and in need of protection. Kim Reynolds, governor of Iowa, does not represent progress for women. She’s a traitor to women — and I blame her for the danger other women will encounter because she does not mention these facts. While Tibbetts could not know better, Reynolds should know better.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

Agreed 100%, Laura, in whole and in part. A good deal of the blame also falls squarely upon the shoulders of Mollie’s grieving parents, particularly her father. As I have intimated elsewhere, many many whites today need the equivalent of the “Robot” to warn them of impending danger that surrounds them on all sides in the increasingly foreign world we all occupy.

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger, Danger!

Laura writes:

This problem is nothing new. It has always been dangerous for young attractive women to venture down country roads with hardly any clothes on. Not just a problem for whites, but for all.

As for her father, I believe he was not living with the rest of the family. But he would have to be pretty unusual today to insist on modesty for his daughter.

Kyle writes:

I made a prediction yesterday that Mollie Tibbets was likely a progressive college student who hated Donald Trump. After reading this post I decided to skim through her personal Twitter account to get a feel for her views on current events and lo and behold, she was as I predicted.

I found tweets that indicated she was the following: a supporter of Planned Parenthood; a Bernie supporter; critical of parents who don’t want the state vaccinating their kids; proponent of global warming hoax; and so on. She was your typical middle-class white suburbanite who was trained from the time she was able to walk to hate her ethnic and cultural heritage because the edumacated teacher knows better.

If you visit any college campus in the U.S. and throw a crushed beer can in any direction you’ll hit a girl who thinks just like her. The type that feigns disdain for “toxic masculinity” while relishing in the attention received from men on her Instagram account for wearing skimpy clothing. The modern woman who focuses only on her careerist goals while shunning her biological [and spiritual] imperative to procreate and raise a family, as indicated in the retweet below:

In fairness, whatever her immature and misguided views were, she didn’t deserve to die, even if her naive views on Trump’s immigration policies planted in her head by the Marxists in public education should’ve been reevaluated considering how she was brutally murdered by an immivader–a term I like better than the fake term “illegal immigrant”. Any group of people who would wave the flag of their native lands on foreign soil while burning the host nations flag is an invader, plain and simple.

On May 7, 2018 she retweeted something I found ironic considering how she died and your post today about modesty:

 Laura writes:

I don’t blame her for her views. I was young and foolish once too. It would be surprising if she were otherwise given her upbringing.

Kyle writes:

I agree. I don’t blame Mollie for her views, but I do find it tragic when a young person falls prey to evil due to gullibility and a lack of parental guidance. Adult white men have failed miserably in leadership of family, community and country since the feminist revolution. I think that leads to one extra point Terry Morris alluded to it: white people need to get wise quick to the racial dynamic that makes up these events because the naked hatred for anything and everything white is sprouting everywhere these days.

Laura writes:

Do you think racial hatred was involved?

I doubt it. I imagine it was demonic lust — literally, as he said he has no recall of what happened, which may sound like an excuse but could actually indicate a case of demonic possession.

Kyle writes:

No, I don’t believe this particular case is evidence of racial hatred, but one could argue the lack of willingness to enforce border control laws that might’ve prohibited Rivera from committing this crime is a tacit form of anti-white political activism. The left-wing and enough neo-conservatives have managed to frame the mere notion of limiting immigration in general, not to any particular ethnicity, as a white supremacist plot. This is a projection of their own racial animus towards white Americans because what they propose as an alternative is to to flood the country with Third World brown-skinned people to bolster their voter rolls (Democrats) and provide cheap labor (Republicans).

The word is that Rivera was working as an undocumented alien on a Republican-owned farm. This confirms our worst criticisms of the fake conservatives who’ve pushed for amnesty of “dreamers” because of Reagan’s amnesty over 30 years ago. Obviously sin and demonic possession are involved anytime this sort of thing occurs, but it’s possible to chew gum and walk at the same time, and by that I mean the man being here as an undocumented alien and the flat refusal to enforce our immigration laws is naked hatred for the majority ethnic population of this nation and the Republican party, which, for now is Caucasian. So, yes, somewhere in all of this is an anti-white agenda.

Mr. Morris writes:

“..as he said he has no recall of what happened, which may sound like an excuse but could actually indicate a case of demonic possession.”

Well, okay, but he did actually have some recall of what happened. Namely that he saw Mollie jogging and decided to join her. He further says that he got angry when she told him he needed to go away, and pulled her cellphone.

I don’t buy the “I don’t know what happened after that” B. S., but it is anyone’s prerogative to chalk it up to demonic possession if they like. Meanwhile, he led investigators to her Body, and gave them a detailed story of how he killed her.

Laura writes:

“I don’t remember what happened” is a textbook criminal excuse. It’s not plausible.

Anonymous writes:

Assuming this story isn’t fake news:

People are discounting racial hatred for this murder. If a non-white person murders a white person, we should assume racial hatred is involved unless there is strong evidence suggesting it isn’t. This wasn’t a bank robbery gone wrong.

Whites have been conditioned to see racist attacks on them as not being racially motivated. Only whites are to be labelled racist in the media (usually via fake news stories).

White people need to wake up to the fact that many non-whites hate them. Look at how many whites are being murdered in South Africa.

Ultimately, many young white women like this one want immigration today (I believe due to the low standard of white men). Many are just not aware of the dangers.

We live in an era where women go to clubs wearing thongs and bras. So a women wearing a sports bra and shorts probably feels she’s covered up. A girl’s dad and other male family members need to stop women dressing inappropriately.

Laura writes:

Most American men have little masculine authority. They care about their daughters, but they act like they don’t care. They let them walk around with virtually nothing on.

Neil writes:

Years ago I had a girlfriend who told me that she would take a walk every day starting at 6:30 AM at a certain park to “clear her mind.” I told her this wasn’t a wise thing to do. She didn’t understand me. I don’t think anything bad ever happened to her, but I couldn’t understand it. If you went to the park at 3 PM on a Saturday there weren’t many people there, so I can only Imagine what it was like at 6:30 AM on a Tuesday.

Kyle writes:

In case readers found my response to Mollie Tibbett’s death to be on the callous side, the statement of her family all but confirms my wildest suspicions as to what kind of SJW environment this young lady came from. Their official statement came out today and I could scarcely believe my eyes when I read it.

This girl was just murdered and had her body dumped in a field and the only thing they’re worried about is rather this event will encourage racism towards Hispanics. Leftists are eager to offer up the corpse of their own children on the altar of political correctness.

Chateau Heartiste summed it up best in their response today:

“The shitlib ego is the most powerful force in the cosmos. I’ve said that, and I stand by it. But I didn’t want to believe it was so powerful that it would take its tribute from a violently slain daughter in the bloom of youth. And yet, here we see it has. The collective ego of Mollie’s family hungered, and her death became nourishment.

I would pity the family of Mollie Tibbetts if I didn’t despise them for dragging her still warm body through the misunderstood mud and sacrificially tossing it at the feet of the Diversity Cerberus. But, all I can summon is contempt.

“Evil comes in EVERY color”

True, but banal and disingenuous. Evil comes in some colors more than it does in other colors. And preventable evil — prevented by closing the borders to uncivilized lands — is the most tragic evil.”

I stand by earlier assessment of Ms. Tibbetts and her family. I found another tweet where she laments the loss of a Democratic senator to Republican Doug Jones.

To state the following is flogging the dead horse to the readers of this site but bares repeating: white liberals who refuse to acknowledge that other races have contempt for us because of our skin tone and want to rape our daughters and plunder our purse will usher in the destruction of this civilization unless the Lord decides to spare us the apocalyptic scenario we seem to be on course for.

Laura writes:

I’m starting to get that false flag feeling. I better stop posting on this case.

What kind of father talks like this when his daughter is missing? What kind of father blow dries his hair when his daughter has probably just been murdered? It’s true, she had been missing for weeks so I guess he had time to digest it all and work on the hairdo and screen presence. But why is the media treating this like it’s World War III? This reeks of staged distraction. Mollie Tibbetts, Mollie Tibbetts …. Sounds like a stage name. Rest in peace, Mollie. I hope you are real. And if you are (or were), your parents are callous jerks who let you “live with” your boyfriend and dress like a … loose woman. And, most pertinent to this case, they did not teach her safety.

Is this a “mom” who has just lost her daughter?

I regret posting about this at all. We are being manipulated.


Laura writes:

It’s time to take a deep breath and remember the basics of psychological warfare — whether it be from the KGB or other nefarious organizations. Yuri, take it from here:


Pan Dora writes:

Very sad the read the display of ignorance in your column today, implying that Mollie Tibbits brought about her own demise because her attire wasn’t to the liking of you and some of your readers.

A drunken illegal immigrant in my are smashed his car into a vehicle driven by a 90 year old WW2 veteran last year, killing him at the scene. I guess it was his fault ( the 90 year old) for being the road.

Rather than obsess over running attire and whether the reaction of surviving family members and politicians meets everyone’s standards why don’t we actually ask some useful questions. Like who employed this scumbag … I doubt he managed to stay in the country for 4-7 years without some type of support. Last I heard it was against the law to employ those not legally in this country.

Terry Morris writes:

Pan Dora:

Mollie was a pretty young girl, it was apparently her habit to run alone on country roads wearing skimpy running attire. Those two factors most assuredly contributed to her death. Why would you say otherwise?

We know where her murderer worked, or at least where he was employed at the time that he murdered her. I’m certainly in favor of prosecuting unethical business owners who employ illegal immigrants, but we know these people are among us (the illegals and their employers), and as such we must conduct ourselves accordingly. This – the here and now – is the world we live in. We know the country has been invaded by foreign hordes, yet the Mollie Tibbetts’s of the world go about with their heads stuck in the clouds, drawing this sort of attention to themselves and basically advertising that “I’m alone and vulnerable; do with me as you will.” No doubt her killer had seen her running before, and was just waiting for the right moment to pounce.

I don’t blame Molly because she was just a dumb kid who didn’t know any better. But there is a reason Molly did not know better – it is because the adults in her life (her parents, grand parents, aunts and uncles, teachers and so on) did not train her any better. This is evident in Kyle’s posts above.

Laura writes:

News accounts were reporting yesterday that the lawyer of the accused says he had working papers.

I was once young and foolish but even I would never have run alone on a country road back then. I blame the fact that women like Mollie do that today on the even more bloated feminist entitlement mentality: “I should be able to run alone just like men do, therefore I will run alone just like men do.”

But in any case, Mollie evidently came from an especially whacky and self-absorbed family, judging from the media appearances of her parents.

Anonymous writes:

It’s fake.

All the usually fakery is present in this story.

Funny names, parents laughing, big brands being promoted, excessive promotion, attempts to get the viewer emotionally involved, push for law changes as a solution.

Regarding men having no masculine authority, it’s because they have had their testosterone levels lowered and have been brainwashed by TV.

Laura writes:

I’m leaning in that direction too. Not totally there yet, but leaning. Look at the parents. They look like bad actors in a tawdry crime drama.

This is mass distraction to encourage racial tension which takes the heat off the Big Guys.

Anonymous writes:

Yes, by keeping the races fighting among themselves, they are not fighting those in charge.

In the picture you post, it is obvious there is no real emotion. He isn’t consoling his wife. It’s very staged.

Laura writes:

It’s always bad actors.

Mr. Morris writes:

“I was once young and foolish but even I would never have run alone on a country road back then. I blame the fact that women like Mollie do that today on the even more bloated feminist entitlement mentality: “I should be able to run alone just like men do, therefore I will run alone just like men do.”

Yes, I agree. As I’m sure your readers are well aware, the big push in the public schools right now is for the schools themselves to relax their dress codes, mainly aimed at girls who would otherwise dress immodestly for school. This “push” is being led by disgruntled school girls who have been trained from birth to take up the torch of Feminism and carry it to its next level. Almost invariably, when these girls defy the school authorities and get into trouble for doing so, their mothers and feminists everywhere come to their aid and rescue, and the dress codes are immediately altered to accommodate them.

One of the most recent incidents of the sort happened just a few days ago at a public school in Houston ISD. A (white) woman saw that posted on the wall of the school’s hallway was the phrase, “The more you act like a lady, the more he’ll act like a gentleman,” and posted it on her Twitter page declaring how “horrified” she was to see it. She further iterated that the phrase is “discriminatory, misogynist, that it places all responsibility for… ungentlemanly like behavior on girls, thereby removing responsibility from the boys. Many other women joined into the chorus, of course. The interesting thing, though, is that the school in question boasts a 66% black, and a 31% Hispanic, enrollment. The white kids at the school number a total of 18 of 709, representing a mere 2.5% of the entire school enrollment. Now there, if you are the parents or guardians of the white kids in the school, is something to be horrified about. Pretty sure the first part of the phrase in question, if embraced by the girls in the school, would have no appreciable positive effects in the way they are treated by the boys in that particular school. They ought to be encouraged to conduct themselves as young ladies, and the boys as young gentlemen, in any case.

Lydia Sherman writes:

There has to be a reason for this being a national news item.There are often missing people in everyone’s local area that never “make the news.” My husband had two missing teenage male cousins that never made the news and were never found, yet are still on local police records,no social media or news stories about them; no public outrage. I have friends with relatives that disappeared and the mystery still remains. Why was did this one get large media coverage? Media stories are chosen, and sometimes created as vehicles for a political and social agenda. Even if, unhappily, this turns out to be a real tragedy, it is being used by media for another purpose.

Mrs. Sherman adds:

Also, this apparently took place on a lonely country road. National media usually pays little attention to rural areas. Where are their photos of the country road where she was running?

Laura writes:

The media is the most powerful institution in America. It controls the perceptions and views of a large majority. Its power is almost a form of magic.

Anonymous wrote:

Yes, by keeping the races fighting among themselves, they are not fighting those in charge.

Flood America with immigrants then fan racial tensions — a recipe for total control by a select minority.

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