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Who Was Gregory Baum? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Who Was Gregory Baum?

August 30, 2018


Gregory Baum

KYLE writes:

In his memoirs published in 2016, The Last Conversations, Benedict XVI openly acknowledged a “gay lobby” in the Vatican, and claimed he managed to “break up this power group,” which he estimated as constituting four to five different individuals who tried to influence decisions. His boast of success may have been premature as the recent priest scandals in Pennsylvania have once again opened up a conversation on the question of homosexual clergy and how much influence they currently have in the Vatican II church.

The issue of homosexual clergy and the modernist church’s tip-toeing around the subject of “same-sex marriage” may not be accidental as this problem has roots in the Second Vatican Council. In recent years it’s come to light that a priest that served in a significant capacity on the Vatican II Council was homosexual and sexually active during the time. His name was Gregory Baum and he passed away at age 94 on October 18, 2017.

Some pertinent facts:

* Gregory Baum was a Jewish convert to the Catholic faith (his mother was Jewish).

* Baum provided the first draft for the conciliar document, Nostra aetate, as a peritus (theological expert).

In 2016, he released an autobiography titled “The Oil Has Not Run Dry: The Story of My Theological Pathway, in which he revealed that he hid his homosexuality from fellow clergy because it would have compromised his influence as an active advisor to the assembly of the aforementioned conciliar document (the Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions). Below is a passage from his book:

“I did not profess my own homosexuality in public because such an act of honesty would have reduced my influence as a critical theologian […] I was eager to be heard as a theologian trusting in God as salvator mundi and committed to social justice, liberation theology, and global solidarity.”

* Baum admits to his first homosexual encounter in a London restaurant in 1963 at the age of 40.

* In 1968 he openly challenged the teaching on contraception with the “Winnepeg Statement“, the official declaration of dissent by the Canadian Bishops’ Conference that rejected Humanae Vitae.

* In 1978, Baum was laicized, became Presbyterian and marrieda former nun, Shirley Flynn, a “marriage” that lasted 30 years until her death in 2007.

* In 1977 he published a blasphemous article titled ‘Rethinking the Church’s Mission After Auschwitz‘ in which he defied the Catholic Church’s mission of converting all sinners through Jesus Christ. Here’s the first line:

“After Auschwitz the Christian churches no longer wish to convert the Jews. While they may not be sure of the theological grounds that dispense them from this mission, the churches have become aware that asking the Jews to become Christians is a spiritual way of blotting them out of existence and thus only reinforces the effects of the Holocaust.”

* In 1986, at the age of 63 and while married to Flynn, he began a sodomitical relationship with a priest named Normand. Normand was 46 years old and the affair was openly condoned by Baum’s wife.

* In 2009 he published The Theology of Tariq Ramadan, an Islam apologetics book in which he falsely attempted to draw parallels between the false prophet Mohammed and Jesus Christ. He praises the triumph of Islam in the Western world, while flatly ignoring the danger Christians face in the Middle East for practicing their faith.

Through Nostra Aetate, Baum was instrumental in the virtual halt to the Church’s efforts to evangelize non-believers, particularly and conveniently, Jews and Muslims. Baum was a proponent of “gay marriage” and the ordination of women. He blamed clerical abuse on the size of the Church claiming “a company that becomes so big … can’t be run any more.”

Baum’s legacy confirms that subversive elements infiltrated the Catholic Church in the twentieth-century and in a theological sense, have so far succeeded in dismantling basic theological beliefs in the minds of Catholics. The fruits of the Modernists are men like Baum, the priest abuse scandals and the leadership’s refusal to notice the elephant in the room.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

One more case of what E. Michael Jones calls The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History.

It takes a high degree of personal diabolical narcissism for a homosexual Jew to infiltrate the Church under the auspices of a commitment to “social justice,” “liberation Theology,” and “global solidarity”; to intentionally conceal his degenerate sexuality in order to preserve his influence and advance the “liberation” agenda at the highest levels of God’s Church. The epitome of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and a mind turned reprobate.

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