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A Plan of Action « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Plan of Action

September 28, 2018

A COMMENTER on the Internet echoes at least one of my points in a previous entry:

Each of the 50 State Governors has it within [his] power to recall [his] State’s two U.S. Senators and the allotment of U.S. Members of Congress in Washington D.C. back to his State in order to try them for high treason and high crimes against the Constitution of [his] own home State.

Each State Governor can cite their abdicating their Oaths to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America by their current and past refusal to repeal the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which gave U.S. national sovereignty over to the …. private owners of the Federal Reserve central bank, and hence, gave away their State’s sovereignty as well.

Should the 50 State Governors refuse to recall his/her State’s Federal Government Representatives holed up within the District of Columbia …. tried for high treason and high crimes against his/her State, the Chief Justice of [the] State’s Supreme Court can issue his/her/their ‘Writ of Mandamus’ ordering the State Governor to recall their State’s Federal Government representatives to the U.S. Senate and U.S. Congress.

Should the State Governor(s) refuse to comply with his/her State’s Chief Justice’s ‘Writ of Mandamus,’ then the State Supreme Court’s Chief Justice and issue an arrest warrant out for the State’s Governor for being in contempt of Court.

Each State Governor and his/her State’s Government can issue his/her own State’s currency to be used to continue commerce/business within his/her State in the event of an engineered collapse of the Fiat Federal Reserve Notes.

It’s unfortunate for the people of the nations/states of our contemporary world as well as for the 300+ million citizens of the United States of American that this will not take place on account of the lack of the Christian spiritual virtues of Temperance, Wisdom, Justice and COURAGE working in our post-Christian nation’s State Government officials let alone the spiritual theological virtues of Faith (in God), Hope (in God) and Love (of God).

The Divine Spiritual Gifts of Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, Courage-Fortitude, Piety, Reverence and Awe/Fear of God aren’t theirs as well since the Divine Sacrament of Confirmation isn’t considered valuable anymore in this predominately post-Protestant post-Christian U.S. nation.

And is also dreadfully sorrowful that the Power of Exorcism that Jesus Christ empowered the Catholic Church’s Bishops hasn’t been applied on either a national or global scale as instructed/advised by Heaven to cleanse the nations of our world from the diabolical/demonic powers employed against all of us by the International Occult Alliance formed by the Masonic, Rosicrucian, Hermetic Orders and Kabbalahists back in Paris, France at the King George V hotel in March 1931.

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