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Democracy Destroys « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Democracy Destroys

September 13, 2018

FROM Our Borders, Our Selves: America in the Age of Multiculturalism, by Lawrence Auster (forthcoming from VDare Books):

What must be understood and resisted is the Secular‑Democratic Consciousness in all its forms, whether they be called leftist, liberal, conservative, or even Christian.  Whatever its particular ideological object, the Secular‑Democratic Consciousness believes not in God but in man and the perfectibility of human values.

In pursuit of that perfection, it reduces the whole of reality with its hierarchy of spiritual and temporal goods to one part of that reality, and treats that one part as the whole, while seeking to eliminate whatever stands in its way. The various secular “gods” resulting from this ideological operation go by many names — global democracy, humanity, unlimited personal freedom, economic equality, racial equality, gender equality, compassion, sexual liberation, economic growth, population control, immigration, race blindness, racial diversity, racial amalgamation. America itself is regarded as possessing godlike qualities, as we see in the idea of America as a “redeemer nation” or “universal nation.”

To the Secular‑Democratic Consciousness, America is not a nation under God, America (or rather the ideology they call “America”) is God. The core of the Secular‑Democratic Consciousness in all its forms is the deformation of the Christian religion into the Religion of Man.

But that is only the beginning of the disaster. With the advent of multiculturalism and anti‑racism, the Religion of Man has been further perverted into the Religion of Other Men and hatred of ourselves. The secularization of the Christian West has thus ultimately led to radical alienation and race suicide.

Therefore, while there may be other, non‑Christian ways of rebuilding a normal sense of peoplehood and racial identity among whites, I believe that the only way it can happen in the context of Western civilization is through the rediscovery of the classical and Christian understanding that we Westerners have lost.

It is this consciousness — the active force in Western civilization from the ancient Greeks through the Middle Ages to the American Founding — which sees reality whole. Seeing reality whole, it places all values, spiritual and secular, in their natural rank and order, accepting and negotiating the unavoidable tensions between them, rather than trying to escape the tension by making human values into gods. At bottom, this consciousness of wholeness can only arise from love of God and truth. It is through communion with God, and through living in a society consecrated to God, that we as individuals and as a society properly order ourselves, not only toward the perfect good of heaven, but toward the partial but indispensable goods of this temporal life, including the goods of family, nation, and race. It is only a godly people, living day by day in love of God, who can truly love existence as such and who are therefore able to preserve their particular existence as a people under God, while also recognizing the respective rights of other peoples.



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