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A Naughty Fantasy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Naughty Fantasy

October 24, 2018


Kitchen, Leon de Smet (1881-1966)

S.K. continues his comments posted here:

I hope the day finds you well. It is strange for me to read my own words on your site. I feel as an outside onlooker. It hit me, regarding the post, that I will never, ever have a helpmate. I mean, I already knew that, but I still found it momentarily shocking. I am not exceptional in this regard of course. In an era of ceaseless chatter regarding erotic fantasies and ‘naughtiness,’ the ‘forbidden’ and such, I’d say that the naughtiest, most ‘forbidden’ fantasy any man dare to dream up would be that of having a helpmate.

Have a wonderful day.

Laura writes:

Thanks. You too.

You may never have a helpmate, but you can strive to be a man worthy of one.

Men abnegated their authority over women — and the result is what you see.

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