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Nuns Just Wanna Have Fun « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Nuns Just Wanna Have Fun

October 29, 2018


(TURN OFF the truly gruesome sound in this video and sing the following to the tune of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”)


I come to church in the morning light
Deacon Bob says everything is new and bright
Oh deacon dear we’re the fortunate ones
And nuns they wanna have fun
Oh nuns just want to have fun

[Beepy doo, Beepy da]

The dancers arrive in the middle of the night
They need to get their altar disco just right
All that stuff about Calvary was way overdone
Because Catholics they wanna have fun
Oh Catholics just want to have fun

That’s all they really wa-a-a-ant
Some fun
When the working day is done
Oh nuns, they wanna have fun
Oh nuns just wanta have fun (altar girls and boys wanna have fun, nuns wanna have, priests wanna have fun)

[Beepy doo, beepy da]

Some Catholics take a beautiful Mass
And kneel hidden away from the rest of the world
But we want to be the ones to walk in the sun
Oh Catholics they wanna have fun
Oh Catholics just wanna have
That’s all they really wa-a-a-n-ooh-t
Some fun…

When the working day is done,
Oh, nuns they wanna have fun …

[Beepy dooo, beepy da]

Ohhhhhhhh, fun, fun, Ohhhhh, just wanna …

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