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Technical Changes « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Technical Changes

October 12, 2018

READERS may be having some trouble accessing this site. Don’t be alarmed. I’m sorry for the confusion, but I’ve been making improvements to security, and there have been some glitches along the way. The site is now parked at thinkinghousewife.com (where it was originally), not at thinkinghousewife.com/wp. So if you have the second address bookmarked or stored in your cache, you may be getting a ‘server error’ message. Make sure the “wp” is not in your search. Also, Google or other search engines should be directing you to the new “https” version of the site, not the “http.”

If you click on the header on the home page, that will take you to a defunct page. I’m still working on fixing that, as well as creating a redirect for those who end up on the “wp” page. I hope you will not be seeing anymore ads placed here with malware.

I’ve been spending a lot of time on the phone getting things back in order (the site was hacked two weeks ago). I have had outstanding help from the technical support people at Hostmonster and Wordfence. I highly recommend these companies.

To repeat: search for “thinkinghousewife.com.” If somewhere along the line in clicking through the site, you end up with a “server error,” just go back to the home page by using the arrow in the tool bar. Things will be better soon.

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