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Technology and the Hearth « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Technology and the Hearth

October 24, 2018


Emma Zorn, Anders Leonard Zorn; 1887


I, too, am a mother of five (all daughters) under the age of eight. The biggest struggle I face is not so much in seeing the value or feeling fulfillment in my life as a wife, mother, and home-educator, it is beating back the distractions which abound in our technological age! How much of my life — my children’s lives! — have I wasted looking down at some stupid screen just because it was there, close to hand? It is a selfishness and self-indulgence that must be checked if we are going to succeed in our vocations as the hearts of our homes.

I grew up as the Internet sprang up and blossomed. I am in my thirties and can still remember life before the Internet. Having the world at our fingertips was supposed to be almost miraculous, beautiful, and it was seen as such an amazing advance, it was going to help us connect to one another, but I see it now having the effect of keeping us from focusing on our own little spheres, since we are so distracted by the wider world.

Whatever feminism left behind on the hearth, technology is now devouring.

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