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The Villainous Southerner « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Villainous Southerner

October 23, 2018

WHEELER writes:

The video you posted on 10/15, “Our World” is frightening, which means that it’s realistic and accurate. I couldn’t help noticing, though, that one of the most prominent villains, the scary drunk on the subway, is a white male wearing a Confederate flag T-shirt. Just like real life, right? … Because we all know that packs of feral Southern white men roam the inner city subways, victimizing women and persons of color.

Even when an artist or commentator is making a valid point, there’s always that irresistible urge to virtue-signal. “I’d better tone this down and preemptively prove that I’m not a racistsexisthomophobenazi.”  And virtue-signaling is usually intended to win over the very people who hate the person doing the signaling. This never happens. It’s a game that can never be won.

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