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Trump Worship « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump Worship

October 9, 2018

ANOTHER great column by Protestant pastor Chuck Baldwin:

Trump has given hope to those who were drowning in hopelessness. He has convinced them that he is their political savior. He plays to their wants and fears. He tells them what they want to hear. And he does it so masterfully, so perfectly, that he has brought millions of people (including Christians) under his spell.

Before being elected, Trump said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” And he wasn’t making that up. He knew he had mesmerized them.

For two years now, it hasn’t mattered to a tinker’s dam what Trump does or doesn’t do. He has given people the “illusions of hope,” and they dare not let go. Their hope is in Trump. This is more than support or appreciation—or even love; this is worship. The “always Trump” crowd literally worships Donald Trump. From a spiritual perspective, they have been bewitched. They are hypnotized. They are in a trance. And they dare not allow themselves to be awakened, for if they were, they would have “to know the worst, and to provide for it.” This they are not willing to do.

For this reason they allow themselves to believe the pathetic propaganda of QAnon; they mindlessly believe the outlandish lie that there are 55,000 sealed indictments against members of the Deep State (and to these people, the definition of Deep State is anyone who does not agree with Donald Trump). I have even heard them speak in rapturous euphoria about Trump secretly colluding with military personnel to implement martial law, rounding up all of the bad guys (again, the people who oppose Trump) and taking them at gunpoint before military tribunals. (Can you imagine what these same people would have said had Obama’s supporters said this?) In fact, many of these Trump toadies have written me to say that when this Trump/military coup begins, I am on the list to be taken away. I am telling you, folks, all of this is VERY REAL to these people. Again, these people are bewitched; they are victims of seducing spirits (I Timothy 4:1) that are empowering Donald Trump. And, as Patrick Henry said, many are being transformed into “beasts.” Cheering for the rise of an American version of Germany’s Brown Shirts or GESTAPO and the positive anticipation of a nation under martial law are truly BEASTLY concepts that come from BEASTLY hearts.

In other news, Susan CollinsRepublican senator from Maine, admitted in her Kavanaugh endorsement speech that the judge will never overturn Roe v Wade. (She also boasted of his other liberal statements.)

The Republican Party is only nominally pro-life.

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