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Another Day, Another Psy-Op « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Another Day, Another Psy-Op

November 8, 2018


MANY of the commenters on Youtube are suspicious of this report about an alleged shooting at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California. Isn’t it nice to see that many people have caught on? They note that the two women in a pink blanket seem like actors. Judge for yourself. One of them managed to count the number of shots (18-20) in the rounds of the semi-automatic weapon while she was supposedly standing in the crowd under heavy gunfire. She also says “they” were throwing smoke bombs during the shooting. Who is the “they?” The women appear to be almost laughing.

Here is another report from CBS. Many commenters are not buying the strangely calm reaction and very specific details of these alleged heroes. These two will never get a crisis actor award. They’re the bottom of the barrel. No tears, no bodies. No “utter chaos.” The cell phone cameras that are everywhere in America manage to miraculously disappear when it comes to mass shootings. Another day, another psy-op.

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

They say the shooter was a loner.

I bet he was a “loaner” from a crisis acting group.

Laura writes:

These events are like Rorschach tests.

If you’re skeptical, you’re sane. If you automatically believe them … you’re a little off.

Mrs. Sherman writes:

Another comment from the Time video:

“Crisis actors don’t get paid enough to cry.”

The comments on that video are keeping me in stitches!

Whats the word for “trying to push an agenda so much that you sabotage it”?  I think that’s what will happen with these videos. The perps will remove the video —the video prompted more truth than they expected.

Laura writes:

Another comment:

There has probably never been a safer time in US history, thus the feds have to put on all these scare shows to convince everyone that we need all the metal detectors, the ‘extra security’, the armed guards everywhere..


If you never have seen footage from the last hoax shooting why do you think you’ll see some regarding this joke? I’ve already seen the unfazed ‘witnesses’, they do interviews and show [zero] signs of stress, fear or agitation. I’ve had shootings right in front of my home, ghetto idiots ruining our neighborhood. After such events you can’t even sleep well for months, your first reaction is to want to move, to escape. You are AGITATED and restless when you [are] near death. You don’t stand there calmly doing interviews talking about bull…. After the Boston Hoaxathon bombings, they claim the brothers drove in the white van with one chucking improvised propane bombs out the back… so they want us to believe one of them had the back doors wide open and in plain sight tossed propane tank bombs at the pursuing police cars, WHERE IS THE POLICE DASH CAM VIDEO OF THIS ACTIVITY? NOWHERE because it’s lies and bull…


Man, who ever is setting up all these mass shootings around the U.S. really hates Republican, country music loving, young people, wait a minute, is there a recurring theme here! [edited for spelling]



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